Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Reality of Black Power-In The 21th Century-And The Divine Prophecy Of God With Jacob!

How strange has life become in America, relative to Black folk. I say Black folk because of our foundation in terms of how we got here and the efforts to use and destroy us after getting here. Were it not for Divine Prophecy and the few true believer's our destruction would have been complete which is why I tell you I am Reuben Seed of Jacob-son of Simeon...a Man and King who has traveled the King's High Way-Crossed the Jordan and entered the Twelfth door of life and stand for the land and Israel! On this land -in this nation called the U.S States of America...I asked this simple question-since the talk on the street from the bottom up is that we are all Gods people -one nation of laws-why is Black so hated, with apparently no solution? I submit to those who know and the reader's of this commentary to prove to me as a Sovereign, that Black is not the best and special in the lite of Divine Prophecy, coming through the Hell we have sustained on this land-in this country! Judas, couldn't sustain because of selfishness, greed and usury even in today's world. We are talking about truth and reality here...try putting the black Judas sellouts along with Red men, White men, Yellow men, Brown men or what is now called Colored men through what the Black man was put through and has had to deal with and see how long it would be before you would be exterminated-extinct! Who would come to your aid and what would be your solution? In this nation we are told accept your reality in lite and white...accept your standard and crumbs...feast from your table and forget the past-let's all move ahead so you can enter the promised land and destroy it in your image-because you're jealous of and hate Black along with many others! Today you are fighting a spiritual war under the cover of politics. One's a Democrat-the other a Republican. Both funded by the same folk whose aims are the same...control folk-especially Black folk-the slaves of America, who were never paid for the foundation of this labor!!(Reparations which is Spiritual and Divine)! What is not being told to the Black under-class is that much of the real fight is a Class War-the middle class is being destroyed which is what Obama, the great white savior, known in Europe, speaks too! For the most part the Educated Blacks of this class push and die for Whites who have received their thirty pieces of silver who are now running scared trying to hold up a burning house-knowing they have been screwed big time! They don't live under the Constitution! The money lenders have given them funny money with no land and a lie with no future. They're running to religious houses hoping the pimps who are non-believers-having taken no action in relation to Divine Prophecy can save them! These are Educated Blacks living and working in all walks of American life. With a stroke of a pen and a yea...the two candidates speaking as if there was a difference between them religated themselves and the peoples they represent to economical slavery allowing the guilty gangsters who stole and lied to get away-only to return to the tables of deceit as consultants...stating this is a nation of Laws under God!(Whose god?)...consider the Nations and Nature of the peoples around the world who have accepted this money system and the benefits of free slave labor-relative to this nation and the black slaves whose payment was and is hell -how do these same folk who said they were free Sovereign White Kings and Queens solve this problem in relation to the Sovereign Black Slave, who is no longer a slave...knowing this is not our system nor land?.....Reuben-Son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob-12th House of Israel...Sovereign!


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