Black Power and Pretender's to the Throne! Liars and lies must be unraveled!
Within the belly and on the land of the United States empire lies the truth-relative to Black Power and the Black Slaves who were never paid for their destruction and free labor! How can an Empire of such international magnitude come to the brink of disaster and destruction after being built on the backs- minds and labor of a once free black folk. Today we listen to the moaning and groaning...the crying of those who benefited from the disastrous torment of a people made over into a people not of themselves and kind. Because of selfishness, envy and greed the rulers and benefactors of this nation Empire who do not believe in Divine Prophecy, are now looking in the face of total and absolute destruction. These folk were given knowledge and help second to none as they moved across the planet like snakes and vampires destroying nature, cultures and peoples. It has been stated that the last vestige of slavery is over and the united states is the beacon of light-the hope of the world with it's institutions of religions, education, politics , science , economics, finance-international relations IE, is what keeps this nation and it's free white folk as the supreme leaders of the world! This may be truth to the ignorant until one looks into the back ground to find the truth. What you'll find in this country and I'm sure in others as well are Black men and women who had the wisdom and knowledge as to how countries and nations were built and sustained...these folk hated themselves then and now and passed their insanity of themselves down through the generations to this very day...even in the mist of Divine prophecy. This is why the Black Slave of America has never been paid for the value of his free labor and why they were never permitted to return too his own land. This was and is the meaning of Restitution and reparations. There would been no need for the slave to walk the streets picking up cans and bottles while others go on welfare just to feed themselves and families. It's the land that produces the medicines to keep you sane and well. The Pimps and thugs who are keeping you blind and poor today living high on your labor and knowledge who wouldn't stand a chance with you on your land taking care of your business and they know it! Especially if you love yourself and kind! Think back to a moment in time to -one Marcus Garvey-who had the Black Star line-going home but was blocked by the state department , colors and blacks who were a part of masonry and shrindom. He came out of the Grand Bahamas where they said he was nothing...they stone him and ran him out of that part of the world. The kings and Queens on the continent of Africa, because of their hypocrisy and greed-is what caused the slave movement here and to other parts of the world. Today, you'll find some of those same people from those parts of the world running to these shores trying to imitate and become citizens among the slaves hating Black folk. Watch them as they watch you! Through the secret societies-church and colleges these folk create and maintain the color class system. The folly of it all is that the Blacks and Colors who shout the loudest about freedom and oneness is that as they attempt to integrate they sell you out to make money while using other nations like Judas, who use Christ! In the end they use the spiritual knowledge of Jacob and the twelve houses to destroy Prophecy and the original Black man and take the land in the East. This is the Land that Dr. King Jr. spoke of when he was raise to the top of the Mountain! This is the same land that I speak of when I tell you I found- when I walked the King's Highway! However, it's must more than that. If you look at the twelve houses you will find twelve parts of the body-twelve months of the year...a left side-a right side. This setup is Divine wisdom that was made clear to me when I went to work for my mentor(Stanford Alexander) who owned the Herald Dispatch Newspaper, here in Los Angeles. This was a Black Owned and operated Newspaper. At the time I did not know that his wife Pat did not believe that Black was beautiful-nor did she believe in Black Power!...I was not taught nor told this was a Spiritual Newspaper or that black folk in secret societies and churches had sold their knowledge out to white folk, so that when I went on my Spiritual journey all of the houses from the bottom up move against me while fighting one of the most insane fights you'll ever see while at the same time trying to block my entry into the land which they couldn't do. This is what's causing the conflict today-because I didn't belong to their churches nor societies. They don't speak to me today because they sold the wisdom and the Land. They pretend- but have no faith and don't believe in prophecy! These folk follow the woman like the "Shrine of the Black Madonna" One of which is located in St. Louis Missouri. If you go back into the hills where the Shrine is located, you will find white folk on their knees to the Black woman who aid in her destruction of the Black man-like Eve...she wants to be God! Today Slaves -Black folk-Judas sellouts along with all nations who par took of the bitter fruit proclaim we're all the same in the burning house that's coming down. The Wisdom of Divine Justice is what it is ! The Debt will and must be paid to the Black slave-and he must be given a choice as to whether he chooses to stay or leave!...Reuben Seed Of Jacob-In Prophecy! reuben beckles 5/19/2009
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