Responsibility-Accountibility in Blackpower action- in the center of Prophecy and the eye of the Hurricane!!
For along time now I have been engaged in many activities concerning Black-Black life and thought on this plantation called the United States of America...the melting pot for all people! Given the nature and historical development of this constitutional Republic I always wondered why I was never accepted nor felt a part of this system and it's people as it relates to Black in Black while loving myself then as now! Living in and around many cultures-colors, thoughts and ideas within the "Eye of the American Hurricane" I didn't understand why the profound difference and non-acceptance of Black by both other cultures and peoples and from within the Black nation and community it self! Sometime back I was asked to attend the graduation of a young Black man coming out of the of the best in the nation! A straight-A student! There are many students like this across this nation...maybe not straight-A students but they have good minds nonetheless. None of these students would be able to complete their studies with out taking a course in history. This is where things get really murky and funny because there seems to be no connection between their Black foundation and their future as it relates to Prophecy! They seem to be completely blind as to their plantation status and get mad at you when you approach them with a possible solution to this long standing problem-believing the money, car, paper status and the big house with a smile will make the problem and it's solution go away! This they do in the face of truth- reality -Prophecy and the Rapture which took place in the Sixties! That Rapture and prophecy in relation to the King's Highway' is effecting what is happening around the world today. If the brightest spirits and minds from within and without the nation and community of black shut down their minds and close their eyes to this truth-then they too are engaging in slavery of the worst kind-as they have turned against the God they claim to know-Prophecy-themselves and kind. Their seed and ancestors are the same as Adam and Eve who thought they knew more than the Divine spirit of God as they joined the mind of Egypt-the goddess Isis..the snake-if they were that great, why were they both thrown out of the garden! From the continent of Black came the slaves of America, sold by their one or peoples could have taken so many people from within or without that land mass without the consent and help of the kings and Queens who ruled there! The white king and queen of England-could never subdue Ethiopia; the Emperor called the Lion of Judah sold the knowledge so that today you have the commonweatlh all over that continent where black folk care more about white folk than they do themselves-and will tell you they're not Black! Same problem with Mexico-in this hemisphere-their leaders sold out this land to the American government for the sum of fifteen to twenty five million dollars in gold and silver. Anyone can go to the library and read the treaty which even outlines the states and boundaries involved in the transaction! This gets us back to the black slaves in this Country who claim to be free and Christian-this involves the man called Jesus, whom Judas sold out! If this man came to save all the people after going through all the hell they put him through-why did Judas commit suicide after the path had been made straight and clear!! The other day I was standing on the street...a Black man was walking towards me. I spoke and asked him how he was doing-he was carring a big black bag of can and bottles. I assume they were for sale so he would able to buy food for the day. He stopped and placed the bag between his legs. "I 'm fine ...the Lord is good! I'm blessed that he woke me up this morning. Yes sir; I'm blessed!" "Do you mind if I ask you a question-you being blessed, I asked" "Of course not," he answered. "Where are you from? Is this your country?" I asked. With a frown on his face he shook his head.."no no," he answered. "Where is your country ?"I ask. "I don't know,"he answered. This was a man in his thirties. I shared a little knowledge and wisdom with him..he smiled, then walked away. Sad and dangerous for so many...educated, non-educated. Prophecy and the slaves in this country is real and that debt for free labor has not been paid! Many nations and leaders around the world know and understand this Black truth and in their positions are trying to hold back the hand of time -Armageddon, : Divine Wisdom and Truth...causing chaos with selfishness, Jealousy, envy and Greed! Black Power in the Eye of the Hurricane Prophecy is real...Man can educate his woman but she cannot carry his crown and wisdom which is why Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden and the Rapture was made in the house of Reuben, that Saved his Land because he would not give his crown to the woman nor could Isis take it which is why so many men today are so weak and pretenders to the throne! If this is not so, what is their solution to the Black Slave dilemma in America, in Prophecy and Scripture? Six thousand six hundred and sixty six years have proclaimed slavery over! Reuben Seed Of Jacob.
reuben beckles, may 8th, 2009
reuben beckles, may 8th, 2009
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