Truth In Black America And why The U.S. States Of America Is Crumbling-Prophecy In Action!
The twenty first century has come and with it- Justice and truth will prevail...God is the center and the creator of the Universe and the Divine enters in behalf of the foundation in the word made relevant in action! The peoples and nations of the world came into this knowledge and wisdom of the truth as it relates to Abraham-Isaac and Jacob along with the knowledge before them even in relation to the prophecy of Christ-where we find the masses of us being used and destroyed in the pits of despair because of lies and usury! The real knowledge of time and truth as it relates to history and Black action and truth relative to the United States Of America, is the slave-who was stripped of everything-except his belief and spirit-yet his action and labor built the country for which they were never paid! The hypocrites among the Caucasian nations who are claiming to be Jews today along with their Christian counter parts- know they are in big trouble as do Esau and Ishmael-headed by Judas as they attempt to claim the Birthright of Jacob and sell off the seed and land-hence-try to destroy Prophecy! For awhile the nations of the world waxed fat under the jealousy and lies of the pretenders and hypocrites talking love and brotherhood while stealing everything that was not nailed down! Still the Slaves were never paid nor recognized. Here and around the world Jacob seed is waking to the truth as to who and what he is in relation to the Divine-his land and condition! In this nation the black Judas sell outs because of their hatred of Jacob's truth and spirit and love his Father-his God the seed were sold out to the whites and coloreds within the structures of the Religious, Economical and Political -Educational institutions!...These institutions are coming down as truth enters into the equation and the demand for Justice emerges. The sons in this nation claims their Black forefathers did nothing to alleviate the pain and suffering of today's generation as it relates to slavery-this is because they refuse to check the record- accepting what they see as fact ...the Whites,Red , Brown and Colored as their their God-their Father...totally, disrespecting themselves as their Mothers tell them from birth-the man Father was and is nothing and she is the Man and Father to which the Son must submit-The mother rules...Judas and the lie walks away putting his under the table Reparations money in off shore Banking Accounts! Enters the colored man under identity thief claiming the righteous Black Birthright-Judas-in relation to Jacobs seed! Truth is fact is---Black to Black- White to White-Red to Red- Brown to Brown-Yellow to Yellow...jealousy cannot and will not change this truth and a lie will not stand! This nation state is coming down because it dealt it's self a hand of deceit-lies- deception and hypocrisy...The word has been given! Slavery is over! The debt must be paid! Coloreds cannot solve the problem in the name of Black for the name of Judas and forgiveness in God!!
If this is not so...what is the nature of love within Divine within himself! A Man teaches his woman into the nature of God and himself-as a female to him and others she is radiant and beautiful- they walk into a restaurant where she is greeted by the host and others as the queen but he who taught her is ignored. Land-Reparation-Justice! Reuben Seed Of Jacob
Reuben Beckles@ December 5th 2008
If this is not so...what is the nature of love within Divine within himself! A Man teaches his woman into the nature of God and himself-as a female to him and others she is radiant and beautiful- they walk into a restaurant where she is greeted by the host and others as the queen but he who taught her is ignored. Land-Reparation-Justice! Reuben Seed Of Jacob
Reuben Beckles@ December 5th 2008
At 4:34 PM, said…
Your words are up lifting and your writing is truthful keep it up don't stop
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