Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Amazing what purpose and truth can do!

Amazing what happens when one is armed with purpose and truth-grows up-puts his life on the line to find out if what he believes and knows in addition to having faith in- is real-a fantasy or folly. Much has been written and said about the truth as it relates to Black and Slavery in America. The building of the Nation Empire where money is everything(king) and truth is buried and hidden! This continues to be a fact because most individuals and organizations can and are bought off with no pain while Divine intervention waits on the faith of a mustard seed. Chaos and confusion-lies and deceit run rampant because no one wants to stand alone-all want to be accepted. Fact is, you won't be if you take an action for the truth-but, you will be a candidate for usury by the vampires and demons...the multitude of those claiming to know the truth. Fact is, you will go to jail in this society! It will not be because of an act of stealing-raping for lust and desire-spreading lies and false rumors because of a feel good thing-robbing a store-bank or home-perhaps ripping off some unsuspecting will be because you're Black with faith in prophecy and action taken in relation to the reality of the rapture where many claim to believe but really don't! It will be because you will refuse to back down from this reality-this truth and all it implies. It will be because of identity thief involving the black slave; Restitution, Reparations and Prophecy along with the Birthright! We know about the obvious, but what about the Black Judas sellouts who work in secret and in the back ground for this Nation Empire which is coming apart-falling as it uses a colored man as a front and hope for their future. Many of these folk who are out front shouting the loudest are trying to hide the fact that they sold out for nothing or crumbs and missed the mark and are stuck in time at this point in history-in limbo, going nowhere in a hurry...fighting hard to be accepted...hating themselves...lending themselves to the great experimentation for the benefit of the beast whose going crazy because the money-is funny and the land's not his! "Back in the day" is what they say-longing for the value and merits of what they gave up yesterday as they accept a thank you and plaque for services rendered back in the day-accepting the fact that many have died many so old they have one foot in the grave and the other is barely holding on! "Oh well, back in the day!" This system is really something as the innocent pay for the contempt of the greedy. It produces a net work of hypocrites and spy's who invade the net work of mass communication around this nation. This net work is called the "Internet". If you submit certain works rooted in truth-they will claim it as their own-failing in that they have wealthy individuals or government entities unknown to most who can and do-set up websites to defame you not wanting the secret truth to come out. These websites have no names-pictures as to the peoples involved or where they may be contacted, should you choose to contact them. in short they are cowards with no balls! One such form is called"folk nation!" However, this being the future, "Back in the day" there is a saying,"You reap what you sow!" Fact is, the guilty make lite of truth-lite of reality in Prophecy; Armageddon in prophecy is real...just like Divine Justice and the debt owned to the Black Slave and their descendants in America, is real! You don't see the wind when it blows and move upon you-then you feel it! Justice is a monster when you stand alone with no spirit! Most think this is a game with no value-like funny money! Reuben-seed of Jacob Reuben Beckles @5/22/2009


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