Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, May 06, 2010

A country moving with no God, foundation, or law is doomed!

For sometime now, I have spoken the truth from the foundation-concerning the building of this nation as it relates to slavery-free labor-restitution- reparations and land-that it's all a joke! The Divine creator is no joke and no freak punk and prophecy is real! Those who work and think otherwise as money being their prime motivation and essence of their being will soon come to know they live in a nation of no value-no sense of right and wrong no foundation of Justice in truth. Those who live in truth under law-who walk with that foundation are forever being misused and abused in black and white, while the real disbelievers-pretender's and identity thieves and liars move and live in gray matter-believing we are all one in this crazy melting pot! Where does the Slave belong in this meting pot? The truth is he doesn't! He's called upon too fight and die-have children that are raised believing their enemies are their friends who feed them into the machine of cannon fodder because they don't know who they are or where they come from-thinking their spirit came from nothing yesterday! Every nation and peoples living in and on this land no better as they work and play towards the American dream but the slave who fights for Civil Rights- a job -the American nightmare and the hope that the here after is real...other wise-they too are doomed! Today, the fabric of the nation is being undermined and torn apart as the Judas sellouts among you wax fat telling the world "keep Hope Alive!" This in the face of crumbling Job losses, finances and financial institutions, lost of homes; bankrupt cities, states and a insane federal government-telling you and I better medicine and health care is the way to go as they blow some folk up half way around the world that some how will make a different in the way you live and think-these are the same folk who claimed you and your ancestor's were and are animal-the only people who were brought here in chains and shackles-labored and were never paid-denied education and given lip service about freedom under the law and constitution...and I don,t mean the "Common Wealth" of Nations. They play Politics with your minds and lives and you gives them your trust! Why? The big question of the day is Illegal Immigration! Consider this...A country that makes Law and claims to live under and by the law-then changes the Law in favor of money accommodation is no Law at all -not worthy of Law and is doomed! How much folly must the Slaves endure? Under the Law the slaves were free-with what-where is his land-who are they, as Black folk? Lip service does not make the land nor system his! I will leave you with this..."the foundation of truth is so deep-that you can't get under it-so high, that you will never get over it and there is no side door. The King's Highway- like Prophecy, is real as the Earth-Sun-Moon and Stars and not to be taken for granted!! Reuben -Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon 5 /6/2010


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