Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Phoney Agent Provocateurs-raising hell in name of Black Solution-mad having fallen for trick as tricks!

Interesting times to be living on the planet-to be specific -the United States of America' where all peoples have a base or foundation-except the Black man. These men of color not only have a base or foundation but with it comes a land mass-history-language-culture that can be passed on from generation to generation-they include-white-yellow-brown-red-I will finish with the Rainbow. This list does not include Black-Slaves of America! This Man has been used and misused so long-it's hard to even consider him a Man-many fools don't today-even though to nations of the world know and study him from the root up-In the beginning he came from the Continent-Land of the Blacks-traveled the world and Universe-creating and building Nations and things that cannot be duplicated today-yet he came to this Nation in chains and shackles-giving this country-giving this nation a foundation second to none-based on free labor-even as his language was taken-families broken-beaten-kicked -stomped -castrated-lynched-lied too on and about. There was nothing too wicked that wasn't placed on this man head to feet-yet-he stands today...hated and despised by many of his own because he's not bent and broken-that which is true and Just-relative to free labor-and land-not based on someone Else's Identity-Land and deeds-but his own in relation to Divine Prophecy. Many people and nations around the world know these demands are real and have meaning but have been living so good-so long they don't even want to entertain the thought of Black man leaving them. This includes the Black man's woman who have been working in behalf of these other men's nations and nationalities-while bring forth their seed. Their seed pretends to be him-pretends to have his wisdom and knowledge-so that all of his creativity will accrue to them and their off springs-leaving him as a slave with nothing!...Including his Land Base-his foundation! Many groups have been formed in and around his communities which are controlled by demonic-Black-White-Red-Yellow and Brown folk -agent provocateur, pretending to have his interest at heart-but their intent is too kill him off-because of greed-jealousy-envy and pure hatred of themselves. They do all this in the name of being apart of the greatest nation on earth-a nation of laws-where money talks-and Divine law doesn't count-or so they think! enters frustration and reality with crumbling of their financial institutions and governing Political parties-the buying and selling Of America by-Yellow Men of Asia-especially China-who owns much of America's debt-which includes the debt owed too Black Slaves-who were never paid for free labor! Another part of the world that wanted in on the band wagon-Red and Brown Man-Esau and Ishmael- Arabs and the Emirates-Oil producing countries-who were also was responsible in part for the destruction of Black Civilization-who now offer the same as Christianity-peace in the name of Islam-while buying up the national debt-along with the Slave! Black solution has been given by Black for Black-slavery is over-Reparations and Land, as the world watches the next two greedy sovereign powers (Russia and China) in prophecy! Jacob Seed-Reuben-twelfth house-Israel-son of Simeon @(c) July-6/2010


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