Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Real world chaos-Arab-caucasian nations trying to subvert prophesy relative to Jacob's Land in Black

World wide families of controlling knowledge concerning Mideastern situation could care less about the peoples in Libya being wiped out or anywhere else for that matter-all they want is the power to control-sustain their privileged way of life and the assets taken from other lands. More important-to have blacks around the world to fight and maintain their order and security at the expense of themselves as givers-maintainer's of slavery! Today, we are witnessing the destruction of Esau and Ishmael who have been going against prophesy and selling off Jacob's land rendering Jacob's seed to perpetual slavery! The white Zionist of today's so-called Israel know they are not the real Israelites-Hebrews and prophesy of Israel and so do the nations of the planet. These lying folk want to claim the inheritance and birthright of Jacob's Israel. They use Judaism-Christianity-Islam as primary religions against Jacob and prophesy-fallen short of the truth and Wisdom-even in their secret societies. To achieve their goals they create lies deception and wars to destroy some folk in the name of humanity-never thinking the Tsunami and the bowels of the sewer would over take them-knowing their time has run out- ended! The revolution of the Black Man's war in America, was cut short and changed by the African Methodists Church-who didn't want real freedom and independence for Black folk-the Muslims in America who were fighting for the (Arabs-Ishmael-Esau-trying to claim the Birthright of Abraham. It was Elijah in 1975 who told his followers that when he died their would be no more Islam-he didn't know what it was going to be-it would not be Islam! Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. finally reveal the truth after all those insane marches with people going to jail-after being water hosed-beaten-stomped-shot- lynched-you name it they endured...even the sellout when he told them God took him to the Mountain top and allowed him too peak over and see the promised Land-but he would never get there! In my enter view with 'Odell Farris' on T.V. which can be seen on YouTube-Internet where she states the majority of people in the church want nothing to do with Reparations-which is apart of the land and prophesy to which they are entitled-reparations that the white Zionists are claiming and receiving today-being given by black American tax payer's! All this while Blacks are losing Job's-Homes- families with no future for their children-they claim they are believer's! Where were they when the United Nations gave one of their own-Ralph Bunch the noble peace prize and the land they now call Israel? These same folk in 1968-went to war to claim the entire land and birthright Of Jacob-it was called the "One Day War!" God came and wiped them out after I told them they were not heir to the Land nor were they the people they claim they were-the seed of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-we sent this information all over this country and the world-so today they cannot claim they don't know-even though they threw me in jail-broke up my family-making it almost impossible for me to earn a lively- hood! Today, I speak of the Chaos in America and around the world-if the truth be known it's about Slavery and the descendant's of the slaves here in this Nation who have never been paid for free labor-the book of Revelations tells them they are extremely wealthy-this same book tells them how to handle slavery once ended! What happened? who's lying- playing deadly games? You say Prophesy is nothing-work!! United States-Europe-Tunisia Egypt-Libya-Bahrain-Yemen-Jordan-Syria-Saudi Arabia...Your president in Latin America-common wealth of nations-begging for help cause Isis can't help none of the phonies on this one-she doesn't have the Wisdom and can't walk the king's Highway--even the lesbians and homo-sexual males refusing to be Men can't help the phonies as the Tsunami moves in the spirit of Divine truth-the debt will and must be paid-no Free lunch The leaders and organizations in this nation and around the world are trying to say Reuben-the writer of this Blogger didn't walk the talk and take the throne in my house-on my Land as they try and re-do what they claim was not done knowing they cannot steal what's not theirs-or undo Prophesy-the Tsunami and the sewer will destroy them all! (@)C March 21 2011-Reuben Seed of Jacob -Son of Simeon Reuben Beckles


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