Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time And Situations Changing relative to Black Slaves in America

Everyone has or should have value and purpose in life-especially in America-called land of the free-one nation under God. In my last Twitter-my reader's and follower's were told yours truly (Reuben-Son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob) was no joke, not here to play games-nor pretending to be someone I'm not concerning Identity theft or a slave suggesting sovereignty as a Black man who walked the Kings Highway beyond the Jordan-relative to Watts and the"One Day War". I don't intend to pull punches now or in the future just to pacify wannabe slaves and pretenders-black or otherwise for political correctness-going along to get along. These are fools who don't care for themselves nor others-fools who have no balls-no understanding of Justice -History-Economics-Man in relation to God and time-fools who under in the name of Political correctness play games in religions-secret societies-politics-education and the pot of stew called integration-all ending under the cesspool of folly-destroying themselves-children-future and nation! Pulling no punches-these scumbags hold town hall meetings month after month-year after year-talk for hours with no solutions-especially for Blacks-who were and are the only group of people who were bought to these shores in chains and shackles-stripped of everything-including Land -families-culture and language-then labored by force! To this day-they the slaves and their descendants never got paid! Told they-We-were free with nothing among demons who knew we were not the same and would never be the same-there would be no real foundation to sustain this insanity. A class based on color and a monetary system doomed to fail from day one was put in place-free labor and Identity theft-gave rise to fear and sustained by religion to this very day as Slavery remains. The nation remains in and on high alert-in debt-decaying schools-economics and politics -same sex marriages-roads gone to pot! Tsunami-whether and floods abound destroying food stuffs and land-as leaders and Bankers think they have everything under control including the slaves-telling the world we live in a nation of Laws! Laws for whom? the Just-the innocent-or slave masters-the pretenders-the Banker's? To keep the Slaves busy, nation remains on high alert in uniforms chasing terrorists around the world-killing folk in distant lands-destroying the peoples and cultures making what is known as democracy a better and safer place-for whom? Certainly not the Slaves-they're living in quiet pain-until they wake up one day and say(too hell with it!) I'm Black and proud-I want-demand my land on my continent-where I control thought -policy under my feet-over my head-on both sides -to be completely free-my kind-my God-Sovereignty! If this is anti-anti, so be it! Pulling no punches-freedom is what it is! Ask the countries reading this blogger at this moment around the world-if this is hate-as yours truly has no intentions of fighting in another land-another people for the benefit of the slave masters telling me this is a nation of Laws blowing smoke up my nose! Reuben-seed of Jacob-son of Simeon (@) 5/11/11 Reuben Beckles


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