Uncompleted revolution for Black Slaves of America! Civil Rights?
You can called this blogger hate or love unconditional it makes no difference at this point as we all witness peoples and cultures around the world rising for themselves in self determination while Black slaves of America pretend to be accepted and free. I will stand alone and take exception to this folly and utter deception. To listen and see what's happening to a people long over due justice-land and real freedom on and within these shores of America is really sad. To go along just to get along after being brought here like an animal-beaten-abuse-used- lynched-castrated-denied every aspect of human development after families were torn apart, given one language then told you're free as they teach our children the virtues and joys of white power and their acceptance all over the world-while our children accept white as good and Black as bad and evil! Pitiful because many adults teach their children this insane nonsense. A non violent so called revolution took place in the form of sit In's-marches-pray In's and educational political sellouts. There was nothing non violent about America's response with water hose dogs clubs-bullets-rapes and jails. These things and more happened to Black folk who were brought to these shores in chains and shackles. One wouldn't know it if you listen to President Obama's speech concerning the chaos in the east-especially between what they call(Palestine and Israel) an area which prophecy tells us there would be no peace-both are imposter's to the Land of Canaan-Jacob's Israel-(Black) not for sale and not theirs to taken under Identity theft or other wise...Having made my spiritual journey to the land I can and will tell you and the world before these phone's take the land it will be blown to hell and the slaves will still be taken there will nothing left-this I have seen-so they can talk and negotiate from now on it's all non-negotiable! President Obama and the Zionist Prime minister soon to meet with him and members of congress hope prophecy-God -Black Power is asleep. It's the same Black power that took the reins of the so-called non violent civil rights movement knowing it would never work among these demons regardless to the utterances of Dr King and others about soul power and God's unconditional love-It was God who showed him and these insane demons who thought they would gain something for nothing because he(Dr King and many of his followers) became spineless-ball-less-crying in the age of Aquarius-lost their minds opted for jobs and crumbs as Reuben in Pisces-acted in behalf of my God-Jacob and truth in the twelfth house of Israel-also son of Simeon. These folk and the government thought the lies they had been told concerning Black in prophecy was and is a joke that the Wall- Highway and Land they wanted to steal claim under the name of finder's possession would be theirs-controlling the world! "They lost the one Day War!" Let them claim and take it-they too will be wiped out! They tried using members of my family-promising them untold wealth if they would denounce me and work with them-leaving me they thought alone! They too failed! Greece-Isis- secret societies-game players-who else? Look about you monies funny-cities-counties-Federal and states government's- religious entities failing in debt-citizens charged with phony interest rates-loss of jobs relative to housing and business fore closers . They talk of unconditional love but refuse the slaves Justice on land fighting wars not of their choosing nor making-all while the weather's rising tide of the Mississippi Tsunami and trail of Katrina move across the lands destroying Land -homes-foods business investments-you name it while I get my thoughts together and continue with the list of countries I promised on my last Blogger...what's wrong with America-we thought the slaves were free! While you're on that thought asked yourselves whats with Qaddafi of Libya-why did they take the passports and money earned by the Blacks from other parts of Africa- Blacks who were apart of his security forces not allowed to leave his country-shades of America's slave labor? A sellout is a terrible thing as a mind is a terrible thing to waste-what goes around comes around-if unjust don't cry about the price-it's all good-love unconditional!?-List...India-Spain-Norway-Bangladesh-Belarus-Montenegro -United Arabs Emirates-Turkey-(Cote D'Ivoire-Ivory Coast)-Canada-Bolivia-Latvia-Denmark-Pakistan-Morocco-Malaysia-Bulgaria-Moldova-Namibia-Senegal-Sweden-Thailand-Zealand-Nepal-Croatia-Luxembourg-Nigeria-Panama-Costa Rica-Lebanon-Philippines-Honduras-Greece-Italy-Latvia-Belarus-Kenya! There are those trying to claim what happened relative to our crossing over didn't happen-including family-time to give credit where's its due-Land Restitution Reparations-truth is what it is-can't do or undo what's been done! Reuben Seed of Jacob-son of Simeon-(@) 5/19/2011
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