Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Cause and Effect-Anonymous proxy-Elimination policy-Black Foundation!

The truth and policy behind the above title is rooted in experience-knowledge-wisdom and deep rooted selfishness and greed in the American system which has been exported around the world and sustain by Black Judas sellouts in all parts of this nation. This accounts for the distrust and chaos here and around the world as they feel nothing for truth and Justice as they sell wolf tickets to all who buy something for nothing-as long as the price is right-talking the moral high ground-in schools-churches-mosques-secret societies-where ever they find a listening ear and money can be made-which is why they never speak to the real foundation of America-the Black slaves bought and sold like sardines-sub-humans working like animals-slave laborers who were never paid yet told you're free to work hard and work towards possible integrated citizenship while they create wars to eliminate the males-turn your mothers into harlots-daughters into Barbe dolls on this massive plantation! Their Cause ...Fear-Greed and Jealousy. Translation=Independence and money! If this is not so Blacks would be Sovereign on their continent today taking care of their business! Instead we're given Anonymous Proxy-and politically they speak for you in behalf of their system the effect -clowns-wannabes-pretenders leading the flocks over the cliff hating themselves! Blacks are given organizations that never speak to the truth of their foundation and it's solution because it would effect the real foundation of this nation and the world-Spiritually-politically-Economically and socially! Today we have the Black Caucus-and a return of the Civil Rights movement of the Sixties! This is because of the "One Day War" 1968-The attempt of the Caucasian Zionist to take over the Promised Lands relative to Jacob's Land and the original Twelve Houses because they thought they had bought off the originals and taken their spirits-given rise to the nation of Islam who would finish taking or breaking the spirit of the rest-known to MalcolmX and Dr King Jr.Both were assassinated while using the political arm of the United States and the United Nations-who all hate Jacob-wanting the Birth Right-not for sale-God stepped in with Divine intervention-relative to the foundation-twelfth House-Israel-Reuben-Black-taught and known all over the world. The people and nations of the world know this and hate Jacob whom they claim was a theft-opting for the treachery and false claims of Esau and Ishmael...Oil Producing Nations! This nation wants the birth Right as the house on the Hill-knowing they all missed the mark and can't stand the truth knowing Reuben a Black man-seed of Jacob walked the Kings Highway and entered the land- door of life and returned to his people in America-Alive!...claiming Justice for the slaves-sold here in chains and shackles claiming-Land Restitution Reparations putting out a formula for obtaining same! This was and is the true meaning of the sixties-self and kind for Black Power-Divine intervention and Seed Of Jacob (Reuben) and love for self and kind...the prophecy of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob! The term Civil Rights being used today is nothing more than a trick to claim relevant for the melting pot of integration -it has nothing to due with the real freedom and Justice or Land for black slavery and their descendants-wisdom or the Kings highway or the action taken by yours truly(Reuben)! Certainly not as Isis-would describe her self in the Book of the dead as evil and the joy of her pink womb! Lesbian and gay rights could never make the kings High way while thinking they are as much Man as Man a major problem of young girls and boys in todays society. As I've said before this nation and organizations know they missed the mark relative to "Gods Door" as billions of dollars poured into the Black communities across the nation-but not into the hands of the needy-nor did it solve the nations problems as it relates to race relations because it wasn't meant to solve the real problems-it was meant to destroy Black folk and their claim as slave black folk who came here in chains and shackles-got nothing for free labor -but a head ache -lynched-castrated-broken homes and families- poor schooling if any-put in positions to join armed forces in distance wars not of their own making-or go to jail! You name the condition Blacks suffered...not to mention those who died on the high seas before arriving in the land of the free! The claim begins in or around the time of (1863) compounded interest daily=Reparations-Restitution-Land! The side shows today are games to take black minds off the real truth-the real problems! Lest We Forget plans are being made on the Political and Economical fronts-to completely do away with the people in Black and your participation in this land and around the world-Judas is running scarce but not asleep-stay well-demand what's yours-you owe it to allot of folk who came before you! (c) @ 10/14/11 Reuben Seed of Jacob son of Simeon Reuben Beckles


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