Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Idea's and Possible Solutions for Blk Slaves of America-more than just Jobs!

For those among us and those around the world who think I'm just talk playing games or blowing off steam as Reuben-Son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob-relative too the twelve houses of Israel and prophecy-think again-what I know and believe was learned by faith in action which gave me answers to many questions floating around the essence of my being even as a young boy growing into Manhood. Investigating and asking question of those whom I respected and thought had answers only tended to complicate matters because they knew or didn't know or more important didn't think I should know-by pointing me to the Church-Mosque-Temple or some fool who knew even less than I. What I soon found out was that I was in search of Identity and purpose to fill a void. That void was filled when by chance I met Mr. Sand ford Alexander-owner and publisher of the late 'Herald Dispatch Newspaper' here in Los Angeles, who told me little yet, showed me much-as a towering Black Man he showed me the meaning of growing up into Manhood-Physically-Mentally-Spiritually ...because of him the action I took while in his presence and employment-it led me into the knowledge and understanding I now have of myself-wisdom and meaning of ones own cross-Stated by Christ-The Kings highway -long and narrow-the height of the Mountain spoken of by the late Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.-the dept one must reach to find the bottom of the earth before rising and entering the Glorious Door-The Divine Throne-Land and Earth-meaning (Reuben) 'he who grew up by the Water's void had been filled! (Action taken-purpose realized-truth unmistakable relative to the twelve house of Israel-Identity theft-Land and seed of Jacob! This action took me from the foundation over the heads of the knowing -hiding and unknowing even those in pretense who talk in and out of degrees of knowledge-to gain wealth-power-to use-kill- abuse -trick and fool the innocence keeping alive mistrust and chaos-in Churches-Temples-Mosques-on Streets and street c0rners called 'Freedom Square' erected by Money lenders-and Judas sellouts-to keep their hope of trickeration and pretense alive! This gets us back to the relevance in and out of America, because our action as "Reuben" took place here in America and slavery was suppose too have ended -land not given to slaves and their descendants stolen from a distant land brought to this land in chains and shackles suffering unspeakable horrors! Making our claim in behalf of our people 'Israel' I was beaten misused and abuse beyond all moral perception-were it not for Divine Intervention-I would not be alive today to reveal this truth this claim relative to Justice! Those who had knowledge and power to make this claim just and happen seem to have turned a deaf ear enabling their imps to fill the airwaves with shouts of jobs jobs jobs!...knowing this will not solve the root problem of continued Slavery! The buffer which sustains the hierarchy is the super-upper middle class now being destroyed-as are lying politicians who don't know it yet! ...yes, even those promoting the phony Zionist-so-called Jewish State-they call Israel-which accounts for those in power wanting my death and my actions causing Divine intervention of my personal safety sense no individual or group of individuals came to my aid ! However, my personal safety is not on trial here-but truth and Justice is relative to the hidden knowledge of Israel and Reuben-writer of this Blog and my God ! This Divine Intervention is also related to the 'One day War' of (1968) when that fictitous state tried to take over the entire region land of Israel related to Prophecy and Jacob...also related to Egypt-Saudi Arabia and their Goddess...ISIS and her book of the dead! After all the noise-political and otherwise dies down-our solution for Black Slaves in America remain the same-mounting compounded daily interest=Reparations-Restitution-land will be paid or there will be nothing and the slaves will still leave-this I have seen-let the phonies and disbelievers defy-challenge the Spirit and word of the Supreme living most High God-and his -this truth! (C) @ Sept.20 2011 Reuben Seed of Jacob-son of Simeon ...Reuben Beckles


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