Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just Plain Fed Up! Truth In Prophecy! Abraham Isaac And Jacob- God Is Israel-not Israeli-Phonies-Pretenders

Tired of game playing with Judas in the back ground of Black organizations of America and nations of the world-claiming to be something they're not-punks and sissies-with an appetite for recognition-wealth and power-sissies who hate themselves and kind relishing slavery! Action and truth they know God is-prophecy in Jacob is real! My truth in this reality-is truth and action as (Reuben=Behold the Son=Beckles=he who grew up by the Water!-you can find more by typing the name in YouTube...enter- view with 'Odell Farris' If I don't tell you this truth in action-by faith-who will?) Those individuals-agents or organizations-claiming to be in tune with this knowledge-truth and action taken- acting on my behalf as (Anonymous Proxy) acting for their own benefit in Identity theft ! Each of the following actions taken by yours truly was and is rooted in Divine prophecy related to the foundation of Cause and Effect( Watts -Dr Kings View of the promised Land from the Mountain Top-which he could not enter! -Our entry into the Promised Land as Reuben-Son Of Simeon-seed of Jacob walking the Kings Highway while warriors all over the world and universe were at one another throats not believing a black man could possess that much love and power for God self and kind-not stealing or hiding using someone eles's Identity. This was happening while the phony Israeli state was claiming the birthright and land of Jacob's and the real Twelve houses of Israel' along with the "Ark Of the Covenant" given to Solomon- known too and part of Ethiopia. The ploy and plot was cooked up by the Zionist using Egypt- Rome and the Christian church-all over the world -certain elements of Islam-the money key and Isis to do their dirty work-ending with Israeli attempt to steal the Promised land that didn't then nor now belong to them - The ' one day war and the fall of Isis!' The Late President Johnson's action not to run for a second term was part of Isis fall- as was the assassination of Bobby and John F. Kennedy-both steeped in Law and Black knowledge sold to them before and during the civil rights movement ! This also holds true for Black caucus members now talking about lynchings and the tea party. Lest We Forget' pulling no punches-the late Legon' activist and black store book owner-was selling shares of Israel-too coloreds under med-physical knowledge to burn and take Black men spirits-under Isis which is the same as the 'nation of Islam'-coloreds and Whites wanting the black man's spirit-the real birth right -land of the blacks known as 'Africa)! Today, these phony lying hypocrite talk of solving the black man's problem-through education and jobs-hell-blacks built the country and was never paid-Slaves nor the descendants -whose kidding whom? The leaders claim theres debt but no money! Those who became part of Sovereign Indian Tribes as Black are told they are no longer wanted or needed-which has been up held by the Supreme court of this land-even as they are being preached too in their religions by their leaders-using the book they claim is the word of God! My question is what's the solution after all the talk? These are folk who have no faith nor belief-but preach too you as followers- So at this point yours truly is forced to ask the question-who are they but Judas-and where were they when I was fighting the good fight for self and kind-to this very day-thrown in jail-charged with crimes I didn't commit-beaten ed beyond all moral perception-family unit destroyed-In their court of Law-where were they when God stepped in and said enough-free this Son of Man'- then sealed the kings highway-the land- door and throne of Reuben as Seed of Jacob ! As Anonymous Proxy's-what I did was in the lite of day-action's known to the world -cause and effect-love of self and kind-Power to my God-Not Anonymous-not a lie! Confusion and chaos abound when pretenders are allowed to get around truth with no thought of Divine Intervention relative to Justice ! God Is-Prophecy in Jacob is real!...Reuben-Son of Simeon...Seed of Jacob ! Sept. 10th (@) 2011 Reuben Beckles


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