Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, August 05, 2011

Awesome lessons to be learned-concerning God-Jacob's seed-Wisdom and Black Power

God-prophecy-Jacob's seed in the Twenty first century has become extremely interesting as Afro- American Negroes and Judas Black folk didn't believe in truth and prophecy taking crumbs while building institutions and entities hoping for a fast getaway in case truth surfaced! Truth is the slaves and their descendant's have an out-a solution that Judas and his con men couldn't or didn't want to see or deal with! The Spiritual Cross over that Yours truly made in the sixties traveling the Kings highway) and the "One Day War" has meaning far beyond what your leaders won't say and refuse to tell their followers and the world...Identity theft is over-slavery is over and the game is up! While we were fighting for the people-Reparations-Restitution-Land in prophecy Black Judas sellouts had the people fighting among themselves for crumbs on this land in a system that in time it would crumble and out of folly and desperation you would kill yourselves bowing to his greed and insanity. These so called leaders are the same folk who broke up our families in the name of marriage love and jobs-while joining your enemies telling you to join the army to die and fight in order to be all you can be! Your woman-your Queen through the knowledge of his entities and organizations didn't marry you but him or other women under his domination-so as to keep you off balance in hell with Isis at the helm! The debt and mounting worlds problems are an indication of things to come because these leaders knew the truth but chose not to move in that direction-non believer's pretenders to the throne! Again the nations of the world have been put in check mate--by Judas promising them some thing that not theirs-the promised land that they themselves can't enter-if this is a lie why did Judas commit suicide-why did the nations of the world try to claim and steal the land they knew was not theirs as they cry today about a debt problem and slavery they created! I did indeed walk the kings Highway-crossed over into the land of Reuben-for self and kind-was Judged and stand! For those who deny this truth-knowing the world has been put in check mate claim it and take it! They will find God and the real Black man's Army-this is no play thing! Reuben-son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob (@) August 5-2011 Reuben Beckles


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