Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, January 16, 2012

"Lest We Forget-Inspiration Reflextion-Slavery and the truth in action!

January 16 and a weekend of a dream and a parade in honor of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. no doubt one of the most influential men of the century relative to Black slavery-the freedom movement- civil rights and voting! Having lived during this time and participating in some of it's aspects here on the west coast I will make a statement without any equivocation that after all is said and done in the minds hearts and spirit of Black folk in America he should go down as one of the most dangerous Judas sellouts of all time. Why?...because he was educated and knew the history and condition of Black folk yearning to be free by putting their bodies life mind and spirits on the line for their freedom only to end with his death and a dream the common wealth of nations and a pot of stew known as integration denied in this Republic and it's constitution! He knew and everyone around him knew he and his leadership had blown it when God took him to the "Mountain Top" and showed him the Land and Truth -Land he would never enter knowing he was serving the Devil's interests along with those who made this day possible having Blacks stand on the side lines watching the show of young men blowing horns and young women shaking their behinds while many in the crowd ask themselves and others what has really changed for Black Folk? Now this is where things really get funny-Dr. King stated he just wanted to do God's will-whose will was he serving before God showed him the truth after all his people in the name of peace and love were bitten by dogs-catted prod-kicked -stomped-thrown in jail molested-killed abused and misused beyond description knowing they had served the devil and still were not respected nor wanted. His right arm Dr. Ralph Abernathy told the world he would take his people and marchers to Washington-then on to Canaan! If that was the intent why beg for integration and jobs? Why put the people through all that hell-only to end in a Dream and a stone monument paid for and erected by his Frat Brothers-all of which knew of the people and Land in Question which was no joke-no theory...truth is-the slaves and their descendants remain slaves while the slave masters and Judas helpers live the dream and laugh at the dreamers. "Lest we Forget" I must remind the readers this was a tumultuous and chaotic time for Black folk and Prophecy and God was not asleep nor was yours truly.I believe as all others who believe in truth and dignity that we should be able to live our truth as do others knowing these monsters who control this nation as white men and Judas sellouts-want none of it...only money-power and the ability to use folk in the name of religion that they use but don't believe in the equality and justice as it's foundation! The Land that Dr. King spoke of I entered knowing God in Prophecy was and is real-I did indeed sit on the throne-I did indeed walk alone after receiving the Wisdom of the Kings Highway! This is Land that the nations of the world want the Land that this lying hypocrite calling himself a Jew went to war over in (1968) to steal along with the Birthright of Jacob's seed! Again I said they failed and were wiped out -like others-hating and being jealous of Black of which I am as a Hebrew! Returning to this land after the (Aliyah-Rapture or Ascension-under my direction knowledge was sent all over this land first to all leaders in government-then Religious and Educational institutions-even leaders across the board including the Justice department-State department and the Executive branch of America demanding Justice-Land-Reparations-and Restitution based on the foundation of those who came to these shores in chains and shackles and their descendants who were never paid for their actions of free labor. This knowledge was known to Dr. King and his followers but he and their followers didn't want this-what they wanted and what they got were crumbs and a check in default with a dream! God's word and action remain intact for his people the slaves watching the parade of a dreamer! What I'm saying is not just oral as in the days of old but written and copy written-mailed and received returned receipts. For the disbeliever's and those who think what I'm saying is a joke -a theory know that my next blogger or so will be filled with the names of individuals and countries who have received our information and know I'm not playing games knowing the Kennedy's were taken out-Dr.king was taken out -President Johnson stepped down and the fictitious state of Isis and Israel failed all this for starter as the nation is crying over political insanity and debt because of the slaves-Gods word in prophecy! Reuben@ (c) Son of Simeon Seed of Jacob January 1/16/12


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