Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Problem for world-Especially America,African Americans, Jews and Sellout relative to Identity Theft!

Those in position of authority here and around the world can no longer hide the truth relative to Jacob and prophecy as we have outlined in our last Blogger-10/22/2011. Prophecy and the sellouts of Blacks on the continent of Africa was put in motion long before the Black slaves arrived on these shores. These folk weren't just Black but Hebrew Israelites sold out because of their believe-faith and prophecy by the greed and selfishness of Black Kings and Queens who controlled the water ways and land mass-The die was cast in Rome and the Sanhedrin Council by transferring knowledge and spirits to Caucasians of Europe-where names and Identities changes took place. It's apex strange as it may seem took place here in America,with the slave trade and the "Civil Rights Movement!" It was during this time many leader's surfaced-but only one stands out in my mind as being on point relative to real solution and freedom for black folk in action-related to prophecy and that was 'Marcus Garvey!" The leaders of that time-was part of the Church-Masons- Activist from Political and Educational institutions-wheeling and dealing for a lot of folk who put their lives on the line thinking real freedom was at hand. Little did many know that a Spiritual sellout would take place of monumental proportions! The truth was who were the real Hebrews, Israelites and Jews to lead the flock ? Many Blacks stayed with the church lead by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -Elijah Muhammad-Nation of Islam. Many good folk named and unnamed came through that time and movement -tired- knowing something strange and wonderful was taking place but ended in dissolution and a dream! People became X's ...others knowing marched! With in the movement the fight was on to make money and take spirits(Identity theft-bought and paid for) same as the slaves in chains and shackles-who labored and was never paid! The real game was to use Black-take and use their Spirits and keep them on the plantation of America while the imposter's would lead the flock to Destroy Jacob and the Divine Prophecy! This was known to both the Church and the Mosques-kill off the real Black Hebrews-Israelites who wouldn't give nor sell their birthright out! The Church would join white America and the Nation of Islam and others would join forces with Esau and Ishmael( Colors-Arabs) There was mounting conflict between Dr. King-Jesse Jackson-Paul Robeson-the White State Of Israel-who had bought many Black Spirits and A. Philip Randolph along with Stokley Carmichael of SNCC ! This Nation-the United Nations and the American Jews were very uneasy because of the creation of this Zionist state and the Arab nation thought to be much stronger than they were knowing that in the face of mounting pressure and war they would have to make (aliyah) as emigrant to their natural homeland-but they didn't believe and were too agnostic in the soul and spirit to" ascent" They were facing The Arab nations of Syria-Jordan-Iraq-the French-Muslim Nations from Morocco to Saudi Arabia-Esau-and Ishmael according to prophecy had no claim to the land .This was and is the same land that after the six day war in 1967- I made (Aliyah) =ascent- into the House of Reuben travelling the Kings highway causing the 'One Day War" 1968 that the Zionist could not enter and take-the birthright nor the land-yet with the help of Black Spirits defeated the entire region of Arab nations-The sellout came to a head in this nation when Dr.King and others accepted this nation instead of their own and told the world to leave those Zionist alone the land was theirs and this was their black homeland-they- meaning his followers and the people he represented. Not true but the die was cast they wanted nothing to do with Reparations or restitution that they were entitled to as stated in prophecy and the good book! The Nation of Islam went about going to war with the Church taking Black spirits demanding Land here knowing it would never happen but there was money to be made and knowledge of my Aliyah or ascension was to be kept quiet at all cost-even by the United States Government! The seal of the sellout became more profound when one of the local weekly newspapers ,The LA Sentinel change there logo from Black Africa with the extension of the mid east to no extension so that there would be no relationship with Israel- instead they placed a map of Africa over the United States -suggesting we are now African-no need for Reparations Justice-Land or Restitution -meaning do what no other people do-forget history and your foundation. Today cries of no Jobs and debt abound. Educated citizens march and occupy places within cities and states-countries around the world as Black slaves and their decendants look on pretending they don't understand-mad -seeing and knowing they didn't believe-hoping they will over come with a lie-that the prophecy of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob is real--Your move! (C) 10/25/2011 Reuben seed of Jacob Son of Simeon- Land-Reparations! Restitution! Reuben Beckles


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