Doubting Thomas concerning Black Slaves Of America-compounds problems because they refused to stand in the lite of Truth!
As the country called the United States Of America declines and the black slaves who thought they were free and accepted begin to realize their non-importance in the scheme of things while being kicked to the side abused and missed used many of them are just now beginning to recognize the lite -wisdom and truth of my knowledge and stand knowing we paid a price for this truth that didn't start yesterday...also knowing that many had this knowledge but took the crumbs refusing to stand for what is real and just because of the stench of slavery and all it's attending Ill's as our foundation! To leave one's foundation suggesting slavery never happened is pure folly-but to do the slave mastered bidding just to be accepted is something so different that I have no words to describe it! It is said I am not who I say I am-it is also said I didn't do what the world knows was done relative to Black Power as express in many of my Bloggers-moreover, that we didn't share our knowledge in action that was done for the benefit of the Black slaves, Restitution, Reparations and Land=Jacob's Israel! As this point as promised I submit more names to the list of Black and White Newspapers-Political Individuals and Institutions-Ministers and Religious Organizations-Colleges and Universities and never ask any of these folk for a dime to cover our expenses while recognizing the seriousness of our position and time. In Los Angeles the Central news Bureau covers a large region that has under it's umbrella some ten weekly newspapers--Beacon Weekly-Inner city, Mobile, Ala.--Arizona Informant, Phoenix, AZ--California Voice, Berkeley, Ca.--Oakland, Richmond, San Francisco Post, Oakland Ca.--Black Voice News, Riverside, Ca.--Voice News and Viewpoint, San Diego, Ca.--Afro-American, Washington News Observer, District of Columbia--West side Gazette, Fort Lauder dale, Fl.--Times, Miami, Fl.--Sentinel Bulletin, Orlando Fl.--Herald, Savannah,Ga.--Fact, Seattle, Wash.-- Voice Of the Black Community, Decatur, Ill--Chicago Defender, News Crusader,Chicago, Ill.--Western Spirit, Paola, Ks--Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Maryland--Bay State Banner, Boston Mass--Richmond Afro-American and Planet, Richmond, Va.--East-Nation Of Islam-Min. Farrahan, Chicago, Ill.-- Speaker of the House(Willie Brown) Sacramento,CA--Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, Ar-- News Sentinel, Knoxville, TN--Times, Los Angeles, CA--Herald Examiner,Los Angeles, CA--Wall Street Journal(East Edition) New York,NY--Wall Street journal(PCE), Paolo Alto,Ca.--Bee, Sacramento,CA--Union, San Diego,CA--Post, Washington,DC--Post Intelligence, Seattle,Wash.--Eagle and beacon, Wichita,KS--Beacon Journal, Akron,OH--Journal and Consitution,Alanta,GA.--U.S.A Today, Los Angeles,CA--Urban League(John Mack)--C.O.R.E(Roy Innis-Celes King)--Dr. Benjamin Hooks--Rev. Jessie Jackson-- Interdenominational Ministry(Frank Higgins)-- Black Caucus, Julian Dixon--California Black Lawyers Association, Oakland California.--House Speaker Jim Wright, Washington DC--Raymond Beckles,Qahim, Seattle WA.--Charlene Hunter Gault--Ted Koppel--Carl Earle's, Att.--Max cine Waters--Robert Brock--Danny Bake well,Brotherhood Crusade, Sentinel Newspaper--Rev.T.L. Kirkland,La.--Rev. Price La.--Dr. Cecil Chip Murray-- Bishop. Blake,La--Dr. Dumas Alexander HarshawJr.La.--Sanford Alexander-Publisher Herald Dispatch--Rev. J.B. Hard wick --African Methodist Episcopal Church, Office of Senior Bishop, Nashville,Tenn.-- Phillips Temple-Minister Of Education--Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta Ga. Dr T. Shannon--More House College, Atlanta Ga. History Dept.-- Tuskegee Institute University. Dr Hawks/ Political Science--University of the South.Swanee, Tenn.-Indian and Black History--Fisk University,Nashville Tenn.--Le Moyne-owens College, Memphis Tenn. Black studies--Stanford University,Ca.--Grambling State University ,Grambling La--All Universities and state Colleges on the west coast and other parts of the nation too many to type at this time-but I think you got the point ...we did our home work- we walked what we talked! Confusion and turmoil-deceit usury and lies are all design to keep slavery alive and Eyes off the prize relative to Black slaves without land and a real future given to you by your God...Prophecy-Israel ..."Lest We Forget!"The Kings highway and the "one day War was and Is Real in Black as is the prophecy of Abraham Isaac and Jacob! Reuben son of Simeon-Seed of Jacob! March 4th/2012 (C) Reuben Beckles
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