Bringing Truth Down Front-Let Phonie's and Hipocrites prove me wrong by putting Their Spirit and life On the Line!
For sometime now I have written and talked about the seed of Jacob of which I am a descendant in Black rooted in my spiritual foundation which gives me the experience, knowledge and wisdom to write and speak as I do relative to prophecy, America, Slavery-Reparations, Restitution and Land as our solution! I have enough wisdom experience and know ledge to know that on both sides of this equation Judas black sellouts-pretenders within the nation of black folk along with the White slave masters and those benefiting from continued institutionalized slavery need and want the status quo-they want nothing to do with solution and separation! I also know it will happen and America and the world as we know it will be no more! Killings, selfishness, greed and usury for the benefit of the cast-color system with Black as this nation and the world's foundation will come to an end and it won't matter if you call God the Divine Creator a terrorist in Jesus Christendom-Islam -Judaism or what ever- Justice and Slavery is just that. While the slaves and their descendants toil ...are killed and die white-brown-yellow-red Esau-Ishmael reap the harvest of Black slave labor. Situations like the young man (Trayvon Martin) who was shot down like an animal should be a stark reminder of what many call back in the day(Lest We Forget-Emmett Till...beaten to death for looking and speaking to a white women). It's time for the truth to be acted on right across the board and not be side tracked by games and insignificance believing that all is well on the plantation of America because many of us sold out ourselves and the continent for acceptance in Europe and America. The truth can and must be told by those who lived through this insanity in America and never sold our identity and truth of our Blackness to these imposter's calling themselves Jews. How did they do it? They were approached by and sold their spirit and souls to Caucasian Zionists for jobs and money...funny money at that. Listen and observe them in town hall meetings-on T.V. and newsprint praising the value of the melting pot while pushing every thing white while suggesting anything en voling real Black solutions as paranoid-weird -strange anti-social to be watched as a potential terrorist completely over looking The Black Slaves and their descendant's in chains and shackles and stripped of everything. This is because slavery and their lying game is up! They took the crumbs and a job and the acceptance of integration thinking they were free on the plantation. Now they find the truth and real meaning of freedom in Prophecy as Black...Trillions of dollars in Gold and Silver-Land and other goodies which they gave up for rice -stew and the melting pot! All cultures and peoples coming here now and recognize this truth and build their economical base around these wannabe Black Judas Caucasian sellouts. Listen closely and you will hear...I'm not Black-I want nothing to do with Africa-I'm an American!... I"m not angry because of their point of view-but what I am angry with is how they allow themselves to be used in the public form without the balance of opposing points of view-real black wisdom and knowledge from Blacks who truly know who they are. Check the record and what you'll find is Black power in prophecy and the turmoil of the sixties saved them and everything black here and across the world and it wasn't about talk and games but deeds and action! Freedom- Liberty and Justice does not come by talk alone and kneeling before the slave master and it won't take us out of slavery if the truth is understood! Now comes the time for real truth-Why leave these shores after being trained as mercenaries to fight and die on distant shores and destroy some folk and their cultures only to come back here to beg for housing-food and a job in your right mind if you're so blessed and still not be accepted as free men and women knowing the debt of free slave labor has not been paid of which you are apart of! The truth will no longer be suppressed. I now challenge this nation and those among the walking free who say I lie- have no real wisdom, knowledge and experience relative to the slave foundation and their descendants and the debt owed to tell and show by action that I did not do as I said I did which is where our solution comes from-the Spirit of Divine Prophecy and God-not as a sacrifice like Jesus for the vampires in waiting. I did in deed walk the Kings Highway -found the land and walked through the front door as there is no back door and took the throne- land which belongs to (Reuben-Gad and Half Tribe of Manasseh) Land that White Caucasian Zionist and the Egyptian Goddess Isis went to war over and Lost in (1968) known as the one day War! It was also known at this time that while we were fighting for self and kind the Black woman in this nation was fighting for the white and colored man stating that the real Black Man was nothing giving the white slave masters and their children time to leave colonial Africa for America where they too would reap the benefits of the American slave as African Americans knowing the white slave masters Identity would become one and the same as the slaves. This knowledge and activity also helped the Asian investments in the grand Bahamas mainly Jamaica where the Asians built hotels giving the Blacks jobs but were not allowed to stay at these hotels. The alliance between the Asians and Black woman became so strong that they even support them in their efforts to capture the Nail and Hair industry in America giving to them more wealth rather than helping to create jobs for young Black youth as they both cry poor! All this was done to give up the Black man and break his dominance-his spirit... so that the white and colored women could take our spirit and claim her as God ..that too failed! However, as she began to raise white children as her own it opened the door for the Tsunami of homosexually and the hatred for Black men throughout this nation! This is the real truth and in part why the real revolution by Blacks for Black has been stalled ...What she didn't know was that God and Divine intervention would take place from the foundation as Reuben crossed over the Jordan in the Rapture-Aliyah-Ascension and return alive! To those who claimed it didn't happen-it's all a joke go take it and return with your wisdom that is- if you can find it- as God and his Black Warriors are waiting on you knowing my truth and wisdom is real! Reuben-Seed of Jacob, Son of Simeon (c) 4/11/2012 Reuben Beckles
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