Black Trust in Action And Divine Truth-Declaration Of Independence-Black Power!
Since the publication of our last four to five Blogger it appears that we have stirred the pot of Justice, Liberty and Truth relative to the foundation of Black slaves in America and the debt of Land, Reparations and Restitution owed for free labor and "Conspiracy To Commit God Killing!"...The hell that was heaped upon a certain people is because your kindness-your love and belief in the brotherhood of all men and people was taken as a sign of weakness-compounded by the Blackness of your skin in the form of all colors...the darker, the more hell and suffering has been your lot and continues today. Today, many of us continue to suffer because of the games other peoples and nations play in the form of jealously and usury not understanding how we survive in the total scheme of things that they understand would have completely wiped them out from day one. Much has been said and written about Black and White and why the two peoples find it difficult to get along in harmony. I submit to you and the world that the basic cause is Spiritual-when and how they (WE) were created. You will find the truth in Prophecy, but to make things a little plainer read "Too Serve The Devil" vol. one & two. Whole cultures and peoples were destroyed by these folk because of selfishness, greed and color and their inability to over come their feeling of inferiority which continues to this present day. Today, if you listen to their cried of peace, love, brotherhood, trust, study their deeper meaning in the form of education, justice, political and monetary uncertainty occupy social unrest-to drop the bomb or not to drop the bomb and their religious pretence of loyalty to God while they blow folks up around the world in the name of peace and stability you'll find the real meaning for black folk is to have you beg and drop your guard-your belief in God as you know him in the spirit so they can continue their revolution to wipe black out! Today in this society and around the world many blacks have been bought off only to end up killing themselves leaving their children to suffer as the hand s of these demons pretending to be humans. They want the trust of unsuspecting blacks whom they can use against themselves. In America, they want your Land, Reparations and Restitution rooted and based in your foundation of slavery in chains and shackles and a debt owed! If you can be used into a corner of Trust in behalf of this nation and it's ruling class-it means you don't know who you are and you don't care! You have lost sight of God self and kind and someone else will obtain and use that which should accrue to you-your blessings-your wealth! Trust misplaced is very dangerous if you're not careful.! The melting pot is a mine field of usury, trickeration and death. Consider this in fact and trust worthy truth... many Latinos and others know your history and theirs and many will tell you we're on the same page until they tell you this land you're both standing on belongs to them and their kind. They don't want you with their woman-they don't want you in their neighborhoods unless you submit to them while they laugh at you selling you dope to kill your mine while they expand their businesses-Asians do the same thing. The Caucasians, on the other hand in particular the Zionist, smile in your face, gives you a crumb, let's you play with his woman, whom he feels nothing for-puts you in politics to make policy for his betterment and your death ...puts you in his army-air force-navy marines-special forces and sends you over seas in the name of his constitution to fight and die for his special interests-people looking just like you who are trying to live and survive. Many wake up too late only to find they're fighting themselves as the war goes on right on the very land they left making the world a better place...for whom? The slaves and their descendants are still poor and didn't get a damn thing but a kick in the behind while the slave master and his kind laugh at you and your kind! You say Trust them-things are getting better. I say it's about Black destruction and Identity Theft -Trust !...his actions and deeds are not worthy of (Our) my Trust! These folk gave one of your most trusted politicians fifteen million dollars to study the effect of slavery in the person of John Conyers (HR 40) what happened? off-still no Land -Restitution-Reparations while the pretending Jews of Europe continue to bomb Palestine with their eyes on Iran trying to move on what they think is the back door of Canaan-the only thing they Will find are Black warriors waiting on them Just like the "ONE DAY WAR-1968" relative to Reuben and the Rapture-Aliyah-Ascension(TRUST) Reuben Seed of Jacob-son of Simeon (C) 3/14/2012 Reuben Beckles
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