Reason for confusion In Black America is Black so-called Leaderships inability to deal with Truth!
For sometime now I have been speaking on the question concerning the foundation of America relative to the Black slaves and their descendants who were and are slaves concerning free labor-but told they were and are free with nothing! The problem is they came with something including a language which we no longer speak-a family and culture we no longer have-stripped of everything of value to be lead by sissies and punks who don't have the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to righteously stand and take point for Justice and truth while the flock continue to suffer under the domination of those who have been bought off like sissies of the night who wax fat pretending to be of substance. I don't care how many degrees they claim to carry -earned or other wise-the slaves in this nation did not come here of his own free will in chains and shackles to live, work, fight and die or to be turned out with no -education-family...nothing but animal and paranoia status! Let's start at the point where the blacks were told they were free with nothing-as we marched-fought and died in distant wars-while being castrated, burned, lynched, sold rotten foods, given credit with double twice over interests rates as men folk were put in jail for walking down the street suggesting we were looking suspicious or out of place-while women folk mothers were being misused and abused beyond all moral perception on what is called this great land of freedom. What has changed since what has been called 'back in the day?"...To be brief there came a point in time when the Black Man in Prophecy-both in and with the knowledge and Spirit of his God, said enough is enough and went to War!...Black Power and Watts!" Reuben-Foundation of Israel-Seed of Jacob-Divine Intervention. Reuben loved himself, God and kind in Body ,Mind, Spirit and Soul! The World and so-called leaders said this was an act of terrorist-but their act concerning (911-or the killing of Osama Bin Ladin lead buy America's colored President was an act of heroic duty of the highest order knowing these demons have been going all over the world lying,stealing and destroying folk while denying simple Justice to the slaves. So-called black leadership said Amen! This includes Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam who have been taking and using Black Spirits while stating"Who ever heard of the Feet leading the Head? while taking the communities money and promising low interests rates to borrowers across the land-which never happened-what did happen he and others traveled over seas looking for a home even in Ethiopia to find the Arch-of the Covenant knowing some of the history of the real Black Israelites(Hebrews)...failed when he, in his anger returned to this country stating who ever heard of the feet leading the head the Answer came back(God...Creator of All Things!) In the Christian Church they state "You Walk By Faith-Not By Sight!" Yet, said nothing relative to Divine Truth when Reuben did what they know happened...Walked the Kings High Way and entered the door of Life By Faith known to them and Secret Societies along with the Governments around the world-they all had the Knowledge did nothing while Reuben Moved by Faith and returned to these shores of America and in these bloggers laid out our simple truth for the benefit of the Slaves and the debt unpaid. These groups tried to kill us off-claimed he was helped by the Black woman (Isis...and her Male counter part ) it never happened and they failed just like the"One Day War" Of (1968) Watts was the beginning of Freedom Justice and Wisdom for the Black Slaves of America In the form of Land -Reparations and Restitution and not theses side shows of (All is well on the Plantation giving you Trayvon Martin and the Justice Department- four years after Watts God, the Black man in Black Power they return the nation too (1992)you're given the show by Black Judas sellouts who knew had missed the mark -eye On the Prize-Asians and Latinos acceptance into the system by using the beating of the Black Man the nation saw on television ending in "can't we all just get along?"The Riot Twenty years later! It had nothing to do with the truth and freedom for a Debt owed. It was all a side show to reality! The ruling Class -colored and Judas sellouts know it all about usury and privilege same as Satan-not righteous Justice. What makes our action of faith so beautiful and magnificence...No nation or groups intervened but the spirit of God which was and is "So high you can't get over it-so deep you can't get under it and the action by faith is not Anonymous Proxy! Reuben Seed of Jacob-Son Of Simeon (c) @4/30/12 Reuben Beckles
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