Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Black Man's Action-knowledge-Judgement Relative to BlackSlaves Of America And Jacob's Israel In Black In Reuben Remains Same-No Loop Hole!

As action in life causes friction and change many things remain constant, develop and grow in the face of all odds and opinions- so it is in truth and prophecy with yours truly Reuben-Black in Israel relative to Black slaves of America, -integration-Common Wealth involving Black Folk who have accepted their lot with their pass slave masters of Europe as they try to throw off the effects of Genocide and Colonialism only to find themselves in another kind of Slavery while thinking they were free talking self determination while at the same time demanding Reparations from England and other European Nations-only to be told in no uncertain terms by Tony Blair ex-prime minister of England that they would receive nothing because they gave up their sovereignty...basically their national identity and self worth for the common wealth which they were not forced to do! This in no small part is why they look down their noses at the Black Man of America, when they come to this nation because they thought all Black folk here were asleep and dead with no substance and value and they would be accepted over Black folk they were looking down on(Surprise...Blacks were fighting for the reality they gave up and found themselves being scorned and laughed at here and abroad!). This is the righteous and powerful truth behind Prophecy-Land -Reparations and Restitution for a people who never arrived here willingly but in Chains and Shackles not on their own free will and to whom a tremendous debt is still owed and due! (With Compounded Interest @ Today's Credit Rates). Now let's get to the real problem of current slavery...not just about White Folk who have a basic underling problem with their white skin in relation too Black but the deeper problem is with the Colores who on the one hand want to be Black but on the other want to be white with favorite status as people of color-Creoles-Octoroon-Mulattoes-Quadroons and others including Black Judas sellouts who need to keep American Black Slaves on the bottom . This colored situation runs deep relative to Black as they run back and forth depending on the situation as they try to over come the spirit of Black to become as Black on top. One need not look far to see their actions and thought process being played out in organizations such as the NAACP-and other such groups which are promoted by Black Judas sellouts who really hate themselves. Fact and truth is the Greeks on College and University campuses across the land use the same knowledge as ISIS an Egyptian order to take Black Spirits and use them against themselves using the darker Black woman who knows she out of place and hates herself as a means to control the Man-Family...Situation! Let's look at South Africa for a moment relative too Apartight and Genocide with is part of the "Willie Lynch" Psycologial Warfare-through mind control. On the continent the people were and are separated by region-culture language and color with Black always on the bottom- White on top...Colors accepted just like in America...Creoles, Quadroons, Octoroons, Mulatose-Arabs-Asians, Latins which is still being played out here in America! Even the religions and Secret Social Societies have the same social Structure as their foundation until someone reaches the top and (ooh!...surprise find out (God Is Black!) Bobby Kennedy-the late Attorney General within the Kennedy Administration went to South Africa, and asked the White people and Government a very simple question...What happens after all the hell you've heaped upon Black folk you find God is Black? The answer is just like the colors in action-put your arms around them , call them Brother, create a strong middle class , separate by color and rule a people who have been all but dissimulated in the name of brother hood! Still the situation remains chaotic for Black folk. President Obama, sends Guns and ammunition to the Continent to help one group kill off another group-in the name of freedom and Democracy while building more institutions for more slavery here and abroad because these folk have no intention of solving the real problem of Justice for the slaves and mounting debt...Land-Reparations and Restitution's-relative to the Spirit and Divine Law of Justice. "Lest We Forget" it will be done for them when and how they least expect the real solution in Prophecy.! Reuben(Israel)...Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon(C)@5/20/12 Reuben Beckles


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