2013 New Year-same President-same Parties Trust Mis-Places-Chaos Looms On the Horiizen!
At this point in time America, and it's leader will come to know and understand the meaning of Karma and reaping the benefits of what they have conspired to do by omission and conspiracy to commit God Killing in the name of God and it's Black foundation and continued slavery of Black folk. This they do by using certain Black folk-Judas sellouts under the Constitution-White Zionist Israel and the Law -not understanding-all Laws are subordinate under God and Divine Law- The country has just witness the swearing in of the President and his vice President with tremendous pomp and circumstance. The President gave the world his formula and remedies in the form of non-Black but white and colored as "We The Peoples" in action against the foundation of slave doer's and their descendants whose actions not only built this nation but saved it in and out of slavery...yet has never been compensated or paid-in the form of Restitution-Land -Reparation-more over since we are seen as a group of lazy incompetence ( which means Niggards have served our purpose!) meaning our representative government, your leaders -Judas sellouts, got and received payment from our slave masters table when they should have been demanding a Treaty-which would have given them a righteous format in which to serve and save their people- instead they embarked on a path to self destruct-now they're crying -begging looking for a loophole! Now the readers may think yours truly is just mad-talking diatribe" but consider this...most of the Judicial Branch of Government is made up of Judges and Lawyers who study and know Law from States and local government to the Federal Supreme Court Of The Land! Black folks leadership-opted for Civil Rights, as none citizens-therefore all legal citizens use Blacks as a stepping stone to achieve action relative to their needs-knowing blacks have no real power as citizen, there not! White folk who come to this land from Africa-and submit themselves under the Laws of the Constitution (U.S.) and obtain everything that should accrue to Blacks as African American having been born on the Black Continent! Now we get back to the format of the colored President whose Ancestry is from the Land of the Blacks, but he speaks to the people of white America, as (we The People!" as President and Lawyer, here is my format and remedies not just black or White but all...the People! while standing on the foundation of Blacks still in Slavery!....Poverty-Immigration- Gun Control- Gay Rights-Civil Rights! no Land nor Treaty, Reparations, for Blacks Under the Constitution of Laws ! The Native American Indians and Mexican American have a Treaty relative to their Peoples and Land Mass as do other Nationalities. All this, in the face of Leadership insanity! Our Journey across the high seas was in Chains and-Shackles as property and animal status treated like animal living in sub-human conditions like no other humans to end up as Mercenaries fighting and dying for someone Else's freedom and Independence- we as a people pretend to be free with no venue of production to feed ourselves or off-springs(Families)-Where's the remedies and Justice? ...Under the Constitution-In- Law, as One Nation Under God Divine Law?...Treaty-Compensatory-Exemplary-Equitable-Criminal! If this be Diatribe so be it! Karma In Justice for Black in Truth I Am-Reuben...Son Of Simeon Seed Of Jacob! (C) 1/23/2013 Reuben Beckles
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