Trying to Distort truth in Prophecy-Ursury and Schemes won't change Facts and Solutions-Black Power in Israel No Game-Soverienty In Reuben's Israel -Land and Solution Not For Sale!
The organization concerning Black Slave in America, IS NO JOKE ! The African Methodist Church and the organization of Judas Sell-outs didn't want freedom for Black Slave and they don't want it now! This is part of the real foundation of Blacks in America, in the mist of all the chaos in this nation today. Behind each and every organization across this nation claiming to be fighting for integration and freedom is the organization of Judas sellouts which ended in the spiritual demise of the believing faithful...the leadership want power and recognition not real solutions for the benefit of the people. If the leadership of all these organizations truly wanted a Solution and freedom for the people they claim to be fighting for they could of had it-by moving in concert with the foundation...chains and shackles-from the land of the Blacks called Africa-I don't care if they're called Moors-Africans-Negros-Shriner's-Masons-Activists-Greeks-Males or Females-Educators -Ministers-Rabbi's in or out of Islam-Christianity the Moon or whatever-in the end they all gave in to the Judas sellouts ending with Elijah Muhammad and Dr. king! The past and present day situation is known by leaders in today's current affairs! The current crop have a mental problem as they say leave the past and move on into a future of insanity with nothing and no foundation playing games with Prophecy and religion as the Pope steps down knowing the truth that he couldn't deal with-same as ex-president Lyndon Johnson -ex President John F. Kennedy and Elijah Muhammad before he died (1975). I mentioned Kennedy because the Judas sellouts sold my house out to his family and the Catholic Church and like Dr. King he had to go! How do I know-I moved on it -it caused "Watts-1965...The One Day War! 1968)" and many other things that are happening today and into the future! ...this is the time and day of exposing Judas and the truth of time in action -why you ask? because Prophecy is real and Slavery is over/Esau and Ishmael relative to Israel in Black and game playing tactics are over! For your consideration I give you one case in point Travon Martin shot down by a Man who wanted to be a Policeman- Elijah told his followers he didn't know what was going to happen after he was gone what he had set up, would no longer be Islam-he didn't know what it would be but it wouldn't be Islam! What do we have now in Christopher Jordan Dorner-and a $Million Dollars Reward? He found out where and who he was in this system of Slavery as a policeman and a navy man under Admiralty Law-blowing up some folk in other cultures only to find himself as a captor not wanted here which is the plight of many other Blacks serving in the military whose eyes are opened to the truth- for them the war was not in some distant land but here!...and civil rights wasn't getting the job done! Think about it, Judas and the organization is pushing -Gay Rights and same sex Marriage which is the same as death-Immigration and Ill-legal Rights- Guns that you carried in the arm forces -guns you used because you said you had no Justice from your brothers in your chosen profession but now you and the organization of Judas sellouts want to use the plight of the slaves that you didn't think you were a part of-what now that yours eyes are open like many of your fellow brothers- as your current -so called Black President sends guns to the Black continent to help Black folk kill up some other Black folk in the name of making the world better for Demon rule! Like Judas -colors-pretenders-Latin's- Asians -Arabs and those who have no solutions, not caring, hoping the problem will just go away -as I see it are in for a rude awaking as Prophecy is real for the folk you are trying to use-Karma represents reaping what you have sown and their is no way you can leave these shores and go to another land and culture tear it up-return here to this cotton plantation mentality and not know that slavery is alive and well as you fight the truth of Solution in the form of Reparations-Restitution and Land coming from the foundation of Slaves and their descendants-who have been living with this problem from day one-looking forward to their sovereignty as men and women in fact- not usury! Reuben(C) @ 2/12/2012...Reuben Beckles
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