Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why Slavery Continues For Blacks In America, and Why they are constantly Being used As Pawns-Freedom cannot be and Will not be Granted By Politicains or Slave Masters-Because for the most Part they Move like Zombies and Make Good Mercenary's!

When one grows into Man-hood he move and acts on situation and things of value personally and for the sum total of his being-meaning for self and kind -in today's world it's called a Nation!  Blacks still suffer in this country because the institutions of slavery run deep because of the way a whole group of people were stolen from a very fertile continent against their will landed on these shores in Chains and Shackles  treated worst than animals-to rise speaking one language-not our own!  We came through Revolutions-Civil wars-fighting and eating dirt!  All the slave Masters did was to make the males Mercenaries-to take the heat and die for his insane purposes while using your women folk as his property(Harlots)!-to keep you dumb and faithful he keeps his woman before your conscience and sub conscience mind as forbidden fruit(naked )!  He gives you what he thinks you want to hear by telling you -you're free!  knowing he doesn't have the power to free you and your actions by accepting his concept of Civil Rights-tells him and others you have no real concept of Sovereignty and Freedom-that the value of Free Labor has no meaning-no value to you as you continue to die and build his nation!...In the name of Brother-Hood and Equality in the name of Jesus  and unconditional love along with total submission to Arab Islam-same folk who were responsible for the destruction of Black Civilization some time back in our History(Lest We Forget!) Were it not for Strong Men of Faith willing to put our lives on the line for truth such as (Watts and The One Day War! living in the Prophecy Of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob- Identity Theft would have been complete and Blacks would have been eliminated from the planet earth!...Lest We Forget-Judas Plan in the back of all this hell is real! What saved us? Divine Inter-vention!  Prophecy is working but because of your leadership ...pretending Man-hood acting like sissies and punks their job is to hide the truth-in usury-throw a rock-then go into hiding-instead of demanding a treaty from which you and those after you can build for Land-your Land! Reparations and Restitution-not this foolishness where we love you-let's all get along with the Devil and Satan- not- God's way!...even the Devil and Satan knows this as they continue to just blow some folk up with Starvation-Guns-atomic Bombs for what they call the greatest Warriors on the Planet!...oops until they ran into the "One Day War-and Watts which was not about rolling over and playing dead for the benefit of integration-Slavery Is Over!  Anything less than Land-Restitution and Reparation is an out en  out GAME!  look AROUND YOU check the weather in the form of Katrina-Sandy-Isaac and more on the way as the Nation is moving  relative to the Tower of Babel and Sodom and Gomorrah! much is being made of Gun Laws as we witness Connecticut and other forms of insanty; what about Christopher Jordan Dorner-whom the Police and news media label him a monster they trained!!  Lest We forget") the foundation of this Nation- Blacks in Chains and Shackles "Serving the Devils" (Blacks-Indians-Chicanos-Hawaiians-Chinese-Japanese-Puerto Ricana-All over the World where this man has gone as part of his expansion came death and destruction as he claims to be Civilized In Today's world of deciet lies and guns talking of righteous Justice under God!... I Am Reuben-Seed of Jacob Son Of Simeon-(C) @2/14/2013               Reuben Beckles


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