Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Comments Concerning Black Slaves in America and their real demise and current plight considered folly and diatribe by those who have benefitted greatly while pretending America a just and colored blind society!

The above title may be long-but relative to the foundation of this nation it's accurate and just! Judas and their hypocritical slave masters don't want the slaves and world to know how demonic and thug gangsters they really are as imposter's living high in Identity Theft as they put out the olive branch to those wanting to come here and reap the rewards of continued slavery!  The non-compensated laboring class of Blacks and their descendants were brought here for one purpose -to build personal wealth and comfort for white society!  A whole group of Black folk now living in America, believe and are told you're free with Equality-Justice and Brotherhood under Law and public policy when nothing could be farther from the truth and reality! So-what are the facts?  Free and Just Immigration with Black Slavery then and now if it doesn't enhance White Superiority and well being!   Blacks coming here in Chains and shackles enduring all it's attending Ill's heaped on them and their descendants is no accident-they were useful slaves plain and simple.  The Nation State in this Democracy started with White, Black and mulatto all other groups were and are considered White while Indians were still being slaughtered.  These folk were and are so insecure they cooked up a category they called Hispanic-not included as a racial group but it did reflect their language and ethnic commonalities-of Arabs -Jews because they are White religious groupings!  At the beginning of this Nation creation til this very day The Language, Culture, Immigration Laws and policies reflect a White society where Blacks are under the bottom-excluded and even when they think they're moving forward they're standing still or or going backwards and it's all by design Politically-Economically and Socially!  This accounts for the two hundred years where Blacks were denied Education under penalty of death also why the Hispanic and others were given the right and passage into what they perceived to be Judaism. Another piece of insanity was the Original Blacks of Ethiopia  taken out of their Land to what is now called White Israel) for political reasons.  Much to the surprise of  the Originals once they arrive to their destination among these Satanic Demons they found their blood was not accepted by Whites throwing their blood in the Mediterranean and told it was tainted-they had to give up themselves  and emulate White Caucasians in order to be accepted!...think about it-the Original submitting to the Impostor knowing Race is at the heart and foundation of this entire situation!...Not sexual orientation-gender-class-religion but Race to keep Blacks on the bottom subordinated and excluded en mass- plain and simple while mulattoes are seen in all walks of life and more readily accepted. Immigration and Gun Laws  Policies are talked about and promoted as a means to keep fear on Blacks  and keep Blacks on the bottom of White policy -while giving Black females favorite status and using Black Males as Mercenaries to fight and die-enhancing White Wealth.  Even in this the (twenty-first century) famous Ministers and their churches are suggesting Blacks weren't in Slavery but a form of Indenture labor!  I say those that talk such insanity and folly are nothing more than the highest form of sissies and punks and have no value!  If they claim righteous religion and are knowledgeable-what was Chains and Shackles- Slave Ships about!  What was Lynchings-Broken Families-Castrations-beatings and burnings about? These and other situations too numerous and horrendous to speak of at this time.  It happened and are still happening to Black folk in this nation on this land and we all speak-One tongue which I can assure you was not done of our choosing!  Today, White society and other peoples and groups are up set because a little white boy saw some truth in Connecticut and blew some of his own away...the Major in fort-hood did the same thing he said- watching his people being blown up by the same nation he was serving ...What's with the situation on high school and college  campuses to say nothing about Dorner who was apart of Admiralty Law in the Navy-trained by the Army and Los Angeles Police force who found out somethings and couldn't believe it - did what he was trained to do-blow some folk up!  (Watts was about ripping Black folk off-selling rotten food along with a whole host of injustices)!  Today,we're given President Lincoln) told he freed some folk he and the nation called slaves-and told by the AMC(African Methodist Church leaders and others, Blacks just wanted to go along-to get along in slavery, this over Lincolns objection...knowing this was a White Society-for White Folk! Today the money's funny(God of White Society)  Weather is reeking havoc all over the place and the slaves have not been compensated for free labor and other atrocities.  The effects are seened and felt by the descendants today-talking about old school-new school not accepting the foundation from which to grow.  Truth is-this whole situation was settled in 1968-with Divine Intervention and the 'One Day War' when Satan was expose in the middle east as the imposters calling themselves Jews-in the White State they call Israel trying to steal the promised land in Prophecy and Jacob--the House of Reuben-they failed - were wiped out!"  They know it as do the Black Judas sellouts here and in time will show them no hiding place they will reap what they have sown!...Now comes the question in action...Reparations, Restitution, Land! Not folly and Identity Theft!  Reuben(C) 2/27/2013 Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon                    Reuben Beckles


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