Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Interesting times we live in as Month of April ends with the same polluted games-but different faces-hold Blacks in check with no Solutions relative to on going Slavery!

Looks like Diatribe is not what some would have us believe after all is said and done-truth and justice is no play thing and God is no joke! Creating shows in the name of entertainment to circumvent the solution of Black slavery in America, is pure folly!  With all of the experience-education and time given to make the Negro a better Black Slave in the name of freedom and Democracy-where do a people go begging for jobs-crying-moaning about racism and no Justice. The Judas and activist pretenders know their time and games are over running to their white brothers and sisters for help which is not forth coming.  These folk are non-believers with no real faith, so when it comes to real solutions and action-they can't and won't move! They are handed a script and talk about lack of money in the educational system-people not being able to vote for people they don't even know-sexual abuse in the armed forces-in religious orders and school campuses-police blowing folk up in the name of serving and protecting the public-Gun Control- legal and illegal immigration-lack of jobs and employment-all this insanity in the face of monies they have been given or stolen as they create and built nothing for self and kind while at the same time pressing for complete integration into the melting pot while others do for themselves and kind and never look upon their acts as racism!  This I call extreme folly as on both sides of the gender spectrum they're coming out of what is known as the closet promoting same sex activity and marriage-which is the same as Sodom and Gomorrah and this is no game as we are dealing with life and death!  Whose kidding whom?  These are nothing more than sissies and dumb punks-never to be trusted as they use Black-Black knowledge and half truths to get what they think is power and wealth.  It matters not if they reside in the institutions of higher learning -Church Mosques-NAACP-Urban league-Arm Forces-Banking Institutions-this Black Truth is no play game and they will reap what they have sown in ways they never thought possible as they use the innocence-the children to promote their Satanic activities!  These insane folk in the name of progress relative to Black folk represent nothing more than sickness and death if you examine if you examine them and their activities in relation to how Blacks came to these shores in Chains and shackles-slave labored with no pay giving life to the foundation of this nation state after being stripped of all like no other peoples-then with nothing told you're free!...were it not for God in the spirit of prophecy-love and Sovereignty-the Kings Highway-the Rapture (Aliyah (Israel )in Jacob and the "One Day War Of 1968-Reuben in the Twelfth  house of faith in action Blacks would be no more!  This is the Wisdom in Black truth of America-for Blacks-not death on your continent and all the resources that goes with it!  Now you have no reason to come to my door and talk foolish-let your action in wisdom speak your truth from generation too generation...Reparations-Restitution-Land!         Reuben Seed of Jacob-Son Of Simeon (c) 4/30/2013   Reuben Beckles


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