Solution In Truth-Action to Be Takenj By Black Slaves Of America-Not tne Common Wealth Who gave up their Souls and Spirit in submission to the Devil In the Name of Jesus!
Divine Black truth has been in the Universe and on the planet in the beginning-on time in time...East, West North and South so, the solution relative to Black Slavery in America, should be and is simple in the form of solution! It was not the gun that put Black folk in slavery -chains and shackles it was those who had knowledge of the spirit-those in the houses of religious orders right across the board! Their greed and selfishness envy and hate has been and is so profound that words are not sufficient to match their deeds-which they cover with terms like love-things are getting better! Why do I speak on the topic of Solution and Slavery in America, it's because I'm concern and qualified-with my spirit and soul intact and I refuse to be a door mat-a Slave! As a Black man and Hebrew in the line of Abraham Isaac and Jacob-seed of Jacob Son of Simeon coming in the faith of the twelfth house of Israel(Reuben)I am A Man-A King -A parent and Father not playing games to hide and die in the name of Jesus for lying hypocrites-as most of these folk are the same as the disciples of Christ who couldn't wait for him to die while denouncing him to save themselves. So it is with the Black Slaves in America, running in and out of religious houses across this land in a system and land that not theirs! The fact that they lend themselves to be used for the benefit of others or fight and die for folk that feel nothing for them is ignorance especially, ending up at the end of the day with nothing for themselves and kind! Across the land in this the twenty first century The Slaves, Black folk are Crying moaning and groaning because they have no jobs, money in the bank-because they own no banks-no power in the political arena-or educational institutions-as they pimp people like Maxine Waters - Karen Bass and others to come into Black communities and tell us "The State Of Black Education" has left the So Called Black African America Student In Crisis"! You're telling me and the world top politicians and educators are that ill informed? I don't believe it for a minute any more than I believe America is broke after all the usury and free labor-whose Kidding Whom? The sad thing is our Sons and daughters are coming out of these schools of higher learning with no value on their minds with an attitude that they have arrived-walking around half nude begging for a job and the devil on there arm talking about they're in love -with nothing- talking slavery is over somebody died for me! ...they tend to sit around and do nothing but eat and sleep-point the .finger! Let's be for real...You want Solution-You say you have a Black President in the White House-You live on a Land in A system that's not yours nor are you respected or wanted. You say you love yourself-your God! You came from a land mass where we were Sovereign and free towards one another. the Land was called Land of the Blacks-now called Africa, which represents every thing you and your kind will every need. Let your President know you are ready to go home and take care of your business-your people need you and you need them. He can sign an Executive Order paving the way for Black folk to return to their place of origin along with the Twenty to one Hundred Trillion dollars, including compounded interest for free labor-take care of your business and create for yourself and kind with the love and wisdom you claim to have! it's that or be blown to hell as conspirators to commit God Killing in the name of the Spirit and truth! This is no play thing- no game and under the table pretense this include members of my own family as well as children-you either want Sovereignty and freedom with your God and kind or you don't! Reuben-Seed Of Jacob-Son of Simeon House of Israel( Lest We Forget! -Watts-Kings Highway-One Day WAR 1968-This is a Spiritual War and no Joke!(C) May/8/2013 Reuben Beckles
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