Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Lest We Forget"! Black Slavery -Cause and Effect-Fatherless Homes-The Untalked About Conspiracy!.

Much is being talked about over around and through but no solutions relative too cause and effect of slavery that lingers and persists into the twenty first century.  The reason is Identity theft and conspiracy to destroy Black thought-Land and Wisdom as a Solution.  Pretending and sugar coating  means nothing with no roots or foundation which is the case given to Black Slaves in Slavery!  This is why integration and the pretense of solving immigration and the lack of job creation appears to work in the mist of chaos. Examine the truth and it's foundation a people enslaved for the benefit of another taken from sovereignty  put in chains and shackles -lynched, castrated, beaten beyond all moral conception while families, language and culture had no meaning and were destroyed for the benefit of these demonic monsters who waxed fat on all front while at the same time today will tell you and I to for get the past be of value in to days market of freedom-God loves unconditional!  If you tell these monsters of the real solution you are a terrorist to be watched and destroyed  removed from your family setting if you have one! They do this by eliminating your ability to earn a living-then turn everyone around you against you including members of your family which includes your wife whom they say is head of the home while feeding her trinkets-leaving her and the family totally unprotected to the whims of others!  They do this with a background of free labor-an unpaid debt-an two hundred and fifty years of psychological warfare to destroy the real knowledge of you self and kind.  When you turn the table as a free Man in the spirit sense they want to lie about the truth as to who you are and what was done tell them you want them to put their child in your care and domination for just ten years knowing that after  that period of time they wouldn't recognise their child and they know it!  Bare witness to" Pattie Hearst"!  Flip the page to all the talk and discontent across the land concerning the race problem-financial and job problem along with the multitude of highly trained graduates on the beg list who are a part of the root foundation of slavery who for what ever reason want nothing to do with the truth! Again flip the page how do you solve  the real problem in the many forums across the land without going to the root in action-"Watts-The Aliyah-Rapture-'One Day War' (1968) where I don't have to convert to something or someone I already Am!  Truth is Negro Colored Black folk in their religions and secret societies have been given much truth and knowledge and as I see it they are acting the same way as Christ Disciples,  to the Man they turned their backs having no balls he walked and carried his cross and only the father could save him!  If these folk think that scenario is to be played out again just because I walked the Kings High way and lived through it ...think again act and follow through on the truth for yourself as I have shared my truth with you-I walked what I talk and act  ...this is not a game and I am not a toy a boy but a King one with my God...Prophecy is real -Reparations Restitution and Land is the order of the day!  (c) July 10th/2013    Reuben -Seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon In the Prophecy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!        the Judas sellouts and gangsters running this corporation called the U.S of America, under the guidance of  Ismael and Esau is the source of Black Israel and the worlds problem ending in the buying and selling of Palestine which Dr King and others were in on lying and taking spirits!                 Reuben Beckles


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