Soverienty-Freedom with Justice and Land for Degraded Black Folks in America The Slaves!
With Freedom and Justice on ones own land comes a price of work rooted in sustain understanding and values that gives life from the divine creator to the divine created ! Do Blacks folk just want to pretend freedom as they party- work and give lip service to the world about the joy of living a free and productive life as degraded slaves in America? A heavy price was paid for the freedom of Black folk located here in America, who had been ripped from a continent of milk and honey and total sovereignty -demoralized-degraded in chains and shackles-culture and families destroyed beyond all moral and spiritual belief still slaving under the slave mastered watchful eyes as they live high in the knowledge of Black identity whom they claim to hate in their so-called prized white skins of a special class-knowing you were never paid for the free labor you and your ancestors performed in building the foundation of this nation ! Others came to these shores-but not as you did! They came as professionals-craftsman-skilled or unskilled they were accepted and got paid enabling them to educate their off springs to the best of education while stripping you of your language while at the same time denying you and your sons and daughters any semblance of education-until it suited the nations needs in the fifties and sixties and only then at the point of a gun by the Federal Government-the same folk who degraded and demoralize you as animals! ...this was and is to make Blacks accept- think of colored Creoles and Mulattoes as Black which would be and extension of Identity Theft! time Blacks would loose all sense of identity and self worth to be eliminated as animals with nothing in the over all conspiracy to commit God killing ! Those Black in the pulpit of religions and your Secret Social orders get paid big bucks to keep this knowledge secret! Things got so heavy in the sixties until the spirit of God raised Reuben(myself) into the Aliyah-Rapture-Seed of Jacob to the Kings Highway into the knowledge of Prophecy and the Land-of the Original Hebrews-Israelites while destroying Isis in Egypt as the head promoted by Black Judas sellouts-Ishmael and Esau which was all a plot too keep America Caucasians,..Aryans and White -while promoting the greatest of all hypocrites pretending to be Jews(Israelites) of the Bibles and replace the degraded demoralized blacks in America, as the chosen foundation of this nation and the world!...which could only be accomplished if Judas in Satan, could get the Black female in Isis to take the Black man's Spirit and remove him as the head and in many cases it worked allowing for integration and mass homosexuality! Check the Laws not just governing Exclusion- but same sex marriage along with the marches for Jobs and freedom in the name of Civil Rights-suggesting we are all one people-the same! This is why there is so such hell going on here and the middle east-it belongs to the Black man-the same land Dr King tried to give away! Your leaders, Black and White fools, trying to claim Jacobs Birthright claiming Blacks here are lazy, give you the image of the porch monkey's. This includes those whom the government is allowing to immigrate here from the Grand Bahamas and Africa-who were apart of the original sellouts as they see the ability to live and make money at the expense of the unknowing Slaves whom they keep secretly in the dark-in chaos while smiling in your face! "Lest We Forget-Black is Beautiful and the foundation of the debt owed has not been paid with compounded interest! This along with Land will give you Status and freedom-uncovering Identity Theft! (C) Sept.11/2013 Reuben Reparations-Restitution-Land! Seed of Jacob Son Of Simeon! Reuben Beckles
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