Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Looking at the Past to the Future is a Good thing for the Black Slaves in America!

The above title is true provided you're being led by self and kind in the reality of sovereignty in prophecy for Status- land and value of self other wise you are doomed in folly for the next thousand years or longer being led and used pimped by smiling faces and folk who don't give one good damn for you let alone Black.  No one can give the Black man Sovereignty and freedom but the Black man himself...he must want it-desire it and put his life on the line for it.  What makes him different is how and why he was brought to these shores from cramped sardines conditions in chains and shackles as property to slave labor for White stock and European culture that has now been expanded to nations and nationalities all over the world because of their bond to religion  military and financial ties.  Your common tie too your self and kind is from one continent-one language- as Black one purpose-to serve the needs of another and to remain on the bottom with no sense of worth!  After all the hell and destruction you couldn't be destroyed- die off and slavery, they say, is over!  What got you in the mess as I see it was and is Judas sellout in their lust for fame and greed-pure jealousy.  So now you're still being told you're "Free As Last" do what with what-you have no Land-no status-no Sovereignty as you March and beg for jobs looking for a place to rest your body and lay your head trying to make sense of all the insanity! Think about this as you walk and March to the Capitals around this nation ending up in Washington...whose leading you?  Everybody but you and that's because they are not going to deal with the reality of your foundation and what you're really due and what they really want!  Your birthright-your death-your culture and Land! Whose leading you...Esau, Ishmael-Colored folk-White folk-Latin Latinos as brown folk-Females who think and are being told they're as much man as you because they  are being given notice with jobs and told they're the head of the house as their children go crazy! The folks I just mention could care less for you-they want for themselves pretending we are all the same as brothers-you find it out too late  they have no real solution to  the  Black situation  and certainty no Civil Rights plan to meet your needs from the foundation up as Man is a life giver-A  Time binder in history and future!  One of your greatest problems that you have yet to learn is the acceptance of your self and not the acceptance of others! The Orientals have to some extent learned this especially the Chinese who are making a strong move on western culture and financial institutions.  You'll wake up and learn it was Black folk and culture who gave them their civilization thousands of year ago-today they too are thriving to take Black folk over-but then that too will end in folly!...strange, to me-when you know and move on that truth for what's right..."Black is truly Beautiful!" What you need is Status in Land-Sovereignty in Prophecy!  The Debt for free Labor must be paid-and your Ancestral land given that could never be sold check the nature of your birthright in time !  The King has spoken-Reparations-Restitution and Land!  (C) Sept.4/2013    Reuben Seed Of Jacob Son of Simeon           ...Reuben Beckles


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