Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, September 20, 2013

A bankrupt America and it's Spiritual and Moral Leadership has put the world in complete and utter chaos because of greed-selfishness and Identity crisis!

Amid the lights and glamor of the entertainment industry leaders rise and are presented to this nation and the world as creators-thinkers-actors on the move with supreme wisdom embracing all peoples and nations with undying love for humanity until you examine reality-the truth!  Identity Crisis...I say again...Identity Crisis within the border's of this nation called America-land of the free-home of the brave given with blood-sweat and free labor which we know in history are identified as Black Slaves-degraded beyond all moral perception wandering around this land for something so simple as a job and the privilege to vote for people they don't know -people who are master's in the art of deceit and making promises.  This Black slave after being stripped of all his self worth and now speaks one language without the benefit of real knowledge and education is expected to perform as free and responsible  free folk with the people who put him in this crazy position at the head of any thing of value which includes the family...which can only increase his devalued state in Identity Crisis!  Now you're free to sustain his life and kind at your expense which you do en mass-as you work-protect-fight and die for him-even to the point of suggesting in the religious houses he allows you to build that we are all the same-God is total Love on your part!  One day-the real spirit of freedom and Justice descends on the minds and in the hearts of some among the weary and faithful creating fear and terror across the land and they are called psychopathic sick animals-not stating who and what system put them in they're current position. Would you believe their so-called leadership who refuse to deal with the real solution, because they didn't place, themselves and kind in Identity Crisis- across the board-We are the benefactors of Identity Theft! Today, you have everybody coming out of the wood work claiming Blacks birth right-the degraded slaves in America-because Land -Restitution-Reparations belong to them coming from chains and shackles and the foundation of free labor-who are now called African Americans including the Slave Master on the continent who put you and your  ancestors in this demonic system-for their benefit, to pacify their lust for power greed and laziness!  Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, and many other Muslim lands are increasingly are being made a pawn in this "World Wide Game", their greed  and selfishness in their religion-along with their denial of Israel in Black -Abraham -Isaac and Jacob in Prophecy is playing a major part  in there own demise secretly holding hands with the White Zionist and the west for financial gain only to find out the price they must pay will be total chaos and destruction and the Chinese will be no exception in the exchange of weapons in mass destruction!  In my Spiritual Journey up the "Kings Highway, "let it be known that at the end of this Highway is (Damascus  Syria) who is now biting the dust in the name of poisonous gas -weapons of mass destruction on their own people!  ...really!  What happened and is still happening to Black folk here in America as degraded Slaves whom people from all over the world including Creoles-Mulattoes and Black Judas sellouts -walk, stand and rip off in the name of Freedom and Democracy and the gift of Identity Crisis and Poverty! The King Has Spoken! "Lest We Forget! The Truth In Black Is Beautiful! (C) Sept. 20/2013 Reuben-A Man-Son of Simeon Seed of Jacob...  Justice!   Rapture-Aliyah "One Day War"...Prophecy and God is Real-No Dream!                                                  Reuben Beckles


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