Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In the Mist Of Chaos Lies and Deciet-Black Man Stands For Value -Justice And Truth and Not Pretense!

How profound is the term" You Reap What You Sow" knowing most want to reap the rewards for someone else's labor but want nothing to do with the performance of the labor!...which is like knowing their is a divine creator and all want to partake of his creation but want nothing to do with the creator and as a results-pretense and chaos! so it is with the American Black Man and slavery!  We gave the best in labor -experience and wisdom but when the time came for the debt to be paid and freedom we were and are told God loves all- good things come to those who wait then spit on the life's force-despise and abused us until we said' enough is enough' we want what we earned including our land and freedom in the form of Black Power and destruction of a system killing us all then the real terrorists and deceiver's of truth declare 'God is a Terrorist because you have too" Reap what you've sown" against the Slaves who were sold into this system against their will who up until that point in time were free on their land!  Today, after much destruction of Culture -Language- Families and Spirits we are told integration looking up to these Black Judas Sellouts and their White skin counter parts is the way to go.  Take the Black Man out of the home-praise the woman-give her a job-fill the jails with the Black man and the races can live in harmony...problem solved!  The end results...Chaos across the board!  What the Slaves didn't know then or now nor understand, the only solution wanted by the slave master is there total destruction and their demise of their Spiritual Identity as it relates to there Status and Land!  This accounts for the turmoil here and around the world.  In Financial Institutions-Religions-Political and Educational Institutions, Homes and even the Military structures and values are being shaken to there core foundations because they were and are apart of the destruction of Jacob's Seed!...trying to destroy them from the root!...Only Divine intervention and the Action of Reuben and the twelfth house prevented their success and their leaders be they activist or otherwise know it!  Now we are given the motion picture industry and the television media of togetherness and strong sexual content of so-called Black pictorial entertainment which is nothing more than some colored white folk pretending to be Black with no content relative to real solutions because they want no Black solution...hiding from the truth-they must and will "Reap What they have Sown!"  This is the truth! The Wisdom They're trying to bury!  This is much like the situation in Syria where much is being said about mustard Poisson gas and that nations ability to stock pile it and it's use on it's people by their leader-well guess what?  Would you believe the U.S. and Russia are the largest developers and owner of these weapons of mass destruction and this country even with it's colored President and his wife who know the history of Black slaves here have put forth no real solutions for the continuation of the Black problem in this nation and it's foundation relative to the Creator!  "The Kings Highway has been shone and walked by yours truly Reuben..."Lest We Forget"-Black Is Beautiful In Truth and Wisdom and the Land is not for sale nor can it be bought or taken-Witness the (1968 One Day War)!  The King Has Spoken.!  Black Man's solution to his problem and our Nation is to have the standing debt paid with compounded interest-Land-Restitution Reparations!...anything less is pure folly and time will reveal the truth of it while exposing the phonies!     Reuben (C) Sept. 18/2013   Seed of Jacob- Son- A Man of Simeon!                                              Reuben Beckles


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