Let's Be Brief and to The Point-My God-My Spirit And Soul In Black Power As A King and a Man Is Real In Israel!
Have you ever wandered why all the turmoil and negative action and comments when I talk about the Black slaves in America and the debt with compounded interest owed- relative to Black Royal Israel and the Land-with a Black Solution? ...I can tell you the world in fact and truth it's because of the Black Judas sellouts -their spirits and knowledge to the Greece's and Romans during the Sanhedrin Council given rise to those Aryan Caucasians around the Black Sea area -this to a people who were never born or had been in the land mass relative to the Spiritual-Biblical House of Israel that scriptures speak of. A people that today tout themselves as the("God "of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob !") Same folk who are showing themselves as a White Jesus and the "Accession" too their Black Flock while knowledgeable Black folk and their lying hustlers and pimps standing in the pulpits from Friday-Saturday and Sunday go along with the dumb stuff in the name of free speech and being reborn as they put on a show as Blood Sucking Vampires for their Caucasian Fathers...who by the way created this "Negro" who walks around pretending to be a Black Man of Status. He denounces "Reparations-Restitution and Land for the Slaves Solution as nothing along with his Vampire female counter part ISIS of Egypt then gets mad like Eve when the cover of truth came out and they were thrown out of the garden with his finger pointing at his mate ! These sorry punks have the nerve to get mad at Hollywood for making films concerning Slavery-such as the New movie called (12 years a Slave) among others! I say...what the hell is wrong with you fools...have you really become so sorry while you live in punks vile claiming to be a Man as you put on an American uniform-go into a distant land fight and blow up some folk-looking like you trying to put food on the table for themselves and their families as you blow them up and feel nothing when they ask you...Why Are You Here Black Man?...We're not fighting You!...I'll answer the question for them-You're Not A Black Man! You're a true to the bone-ball less made over image of a man -a dead Negro male who can't or refuses to think in truth and Righteousness! Please Negro, knowing you have been made by your White vampire -blood sucking scientific fathers-sustained by your Black female counter part-don't knock on my door for anything! I know you will never come to me with truth -righteousness and wisdom as I would come straight up to you without a lie or game! The Slavery America produced is unlike any produced on the Planet-even in those Nations under the Catholic Church and the common wealth!...remember, the truth is, you are really talking to the (Thirty Pieces Of Silver-the money Bag of greed-selfishness-hypocrisy and death in punks ville! the White Zionist Jews and their make over Black Judas sellouts in and of the Synagogues of Satan through the Church looking and hoping to find the "Arch Of the Covenant in the real Black Israel in the Seed of Jacob which is why when the time came for them to make the Aliyah-Rapture in the Kings High Way and the Door of Life relative to 'Watts and The One Day War" they were no where to be found!... yours truly "Reuben" the writer of this Blogger Seed Of Jacob Son Of Simeon-a Black Man -Hebrew and King !... did in action and deed make the Aliyah-Rapture for self and kind and I can tell these Satanic Blood sucking vampires the Truth-Land and action is not for sale and you and your Black Judas phony imps can go to Hell!! my home -self and kind is not now nor will ever be available-take that to the bank and stop pretending -my God in Israel Black Power is real! (C)Oct 23rd/2013 Reuben Beckles
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