Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Black Power-Freedom Black Freedom and Real Spiritual Independence not Wanted by So-Called Black Leadership of Black Slaves in America-As Black Stone(Rock) Is Rejected!

Sometime back many Black folk can recall yours truly wrote and made a tape called "Freedom Black Freedom!" where we ended By stating that the head builder and his worker's had thrown away a Black Rock that was to be placed on the top of the Temple's completion only to find it was a perfect fit that they nor anyone they knew had been able to craft such a Stone and realized after much thought and prayer it could only have been done by "Divine Creation!" Living in today's civilized America, I have come to know and understand that it's not just the leadership in Black but in White as well along with many of the flock who have Rejected, the "Truth  Value and Justice of the Rejected Stone!...Land-Reparations and Restitution!  What is really  wanted and accepted is someone or something other than themselves and this includes both male and female!  A few days ago One of my Daughter's-her mother and I walked into a Chinese Restaurant ...before leaving my daughter picked up a black weekly throw away.  What hit me was " California Endowment-$50- Million to Help Boys of Color!" After reading the article, I read another article by the Editor-in Chief-President, CEO, Founder and Publisher stating she hope" Boys Of Color" really Includes Black Boys!...My mind in it's Computer reflected on the (NAACP) and it's advancement for the benefit of Colored Folk-not Black!  In another Weekly Newsprint-From Denver-One group of fed up Black folk, got tired of another going along with the dumb stuff and had to go to War Just to obtain Justice and go beyond Rhetoric! This was and is hapening because of Black Land and Slavery -America's refusal to pay the DEBT!  In New York -home of the United Nations -The Prime Minister of the Secular State called Israel said they would go to War alone to wipe out another Recognized state (Iran)because of it's ability to make an atomic bomb-weapons this secular state has had for sometime.  This is a State that claims it's roots in "Bible Lands and the Linage of Abraham-Isaac and ESAU and ISHMAEL -would you believe not Jacob-because they are trying to use the knowledge of Jacob as Satan and claim the Birth Right of Black Jacob's Seed! These White Zionists and the world are not only using Esau and Ishmael in terms of History and Identity Theft but the Moors who invaded Europe and conquered many folk and Lands knowing who the real Hebrews and Israelite were and helped to identify them are part of the slave trade-this is known in the Catholic Church-in Masonic and Shrine-dome   ...Christianity  -Judaism and Islam -all trying to claim the Faith and God Head of Israel In Jacob and this includes the Rastafarian's and Latinos as they try to destroy Jacobs seed worshiping Isis of Egypt! Consider the Divine Intervention of Christ after he was disowned by his Twelve Disciples (denial and sellout)!---Islam-because their is no throne, only the here and now-submit or loose your head!-Witnesses go from door to door-talk still looking for followers!  Judas-under what they call Judaism use the Money Key and it's value to create Loans and Debt while Employing the Warring Aryans to do their dirty work and fight their created wars all over the world then throw them into a trick bag after  getting them use to living good at the expense of others as bullies  then close down their nations and governments throwing them into utter chaos because they reject the God force-the Black Rock-stone-in certain Peoples in  the Universe!   As Reuben Seed of Jacob Son of Simeon  a Man and one who Walked the Kings Highway will never submit to the Phonies knowing the Spirit and truth in Prophecy is real...(C) Oct.!3/2013. The King has spoken - I have not and will not forget!"...Reuben Beckles         Let the Phonies close down every thing they think they control "Prophecy Like God Is Real-Abraham-Isaac and Jacob and you can take that too the Bank-in Value!


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