Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Faith=Abraham, Isaac, game-no lie-no joke and I am Reuben from the (12th) House Articles of Faith-Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon from the Sovereign land beyond the fertile Crescent-other side of the Jordan!

Reuben, here!  The month of February known as Black history month has come and gone...what did we learn?  The gamers-tricksters-liars and thieves, pretenders have not changed one bit thinking in their actions, the truth is a mere play thing!  So here we are in the month of March-the month that brought forth my birth from two Black parents.!  So what I was asked-a lot of folk was born on  the fourth- in March, including your Twin!  What makes you so different?-Consider this as my a family man-I did not change-I grew up into the truth of self and kind-knowledge of the Most High-I am-and moved on my purpose to help bring about freedom and Sovereignty for the Black slaves of America who are being lied to and on all over the place-pimped, misused and abused after being ripped from their land in chains and shackles- endured castration- lynching-ripped apart from families-burnings -destruction of culture, language and all human endeavors while being taught to hate the value in self and kind-then to discount all righteousness and prophecy in the name of distorted religions and games-so that you might love those who hate you while at the same time you fight and die for your enemies to live as you watch these bloodsucking vampires destroy your children-in the name of friendship and love!  This is your Black legacy during Black History Month-even knowing the foundation of this nation and the economy of the world-you built! you rendered free slave labor, knowing the slaves and their descendants are entitled to a tremendous debt in goods-services-financial and land to make you truly independence and Sovereign! For those whose choose to be continuous servants and slaves as you misuse your selves and others...I am not addressing you! The Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad , told you this was a form a begging-and you went for it!  The Christian leadership has the flock saying they want nothing to do with Reparations, Restitution's and Land -Jesus blessed you in this condition -now live it-in hell!...while they others live and enjoy your identity and the fruits of your labor! ...All under, Sepharadhim- Ashkenazim,Jews of Europe under the Roman Catholic Church-in which Ethiopia who gave rise to Egypt has a college in the heart of the Vatican!  All of these folk move in concert with the House of Judah-and tribe of Benjamin in the Southern part of Palestine!  Even the original Moors are part of this insanity and slavery-which includes Ishmael and Esau-all of whom Covet the Land and Birth Right of Jacob in Prophecy this includes the two and a half tribes on the other side of the Jordan-Reuben-Gad and Manasseh from which the (The One Day War-of 1968-took place)!  Destroying Isis and her Warriors- the war which was created by the West and it's allies!  Today, you will find all the nations which participated in that act of  aggression are in disarray as the prophecy of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob remains alive and well-and is no game-no trick-no lie!  So what's with The Muslims And Church coming together to talk about Reparations on March the Sixth...these are the same folk who not so long ago claimed this was a form of begging-they didn't want it!  I did not change and have no intention of changing having grown up in this nation and paying the price of my action for this knowledge and truth by faith...My Sovereignty-Faith Land is not for Sale and the knowledge -truth and demands for the Black slaves and descendants of America, remains in tack-is no game-no lie and no trick-I speak from the "Royal Kings High Way-and the Door of Life" This too is no game as we come by faith through the seed of Jacob-Sun of Simeon-from the foundation to the top(March)!  (C) 3/14/2014   Reuben  Seed of Jacob-Sun Of Simeon-Reparations-Restitution Land-America and all others must pay the debt!                          Reuben Beckles


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