Satan Trick bags Back Fires On the home front of America and around the world As the Prophecy Of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob stands Strong in the (12th House of Reuben -Seed of Jacob-Sun Of Simeon!
Reuben here! Look around you-educators-politicians-so-called activists-ministers and others -seen and unseen right across the board are being busted trying to hide from the dictates of truth in action and prophecy, this includes a multitude of scheming Bankers-who are also committing suicide after being tricked into believing con games -lies and usury will net you something for nothing as does Judas from the house of Judah as they try to destroy Jacobs seed through Slavery and Identity theft-shouting from the pulpits of religion "it doesn't matter what you do God loves you-Jesus Paid the price, we're all just human!" ...this while the jails are full of Black folk-Wars are created to destroy families and men in uniforms are sent over seas to run up and down hills taking land and destroying innocence folk then giving it back to the same folk whom they tried to destroy all in the name of making the world a better place for Democracy and economical growth...a system that promotes perpetual slavery for both them and their kind, all in the name of Freedom-as they return to this land begging those whom they just fought for jobs and recognition! The Europeans was given much knowledge by the Black Judas sellouts during the time of the Sanhedrin Council ' are the same folk who put Africa in it's present State of Chaos because of Selfishness and greed! Today you can find them all across the slave plantation of America, in various job capacities, trying to destroy the original slaves and their descendants trying to steal our identity so as to claim our birthright and benefits coming from the debt of free slave labor+ compounded Interests -Land-Reparations-Restitution=Sovereignty! all, that he gave up when they left the continent and came to these shores-knowing the prophecy before he got here-wanting nothing more than a white woman on his arm! Today, many of these same Judas sellouts left the African continent and went to that phony Bloodsucking state-they choose to call Israel, created in the name of Identity theft! They were never in the area of Semitic Blacks of the Scriptures (Jacob's Israel In Palestine and never the Prophecy of those people and the (12 Houses)! They know it-Judas and the secret societies know it whether in religious houses -Greeks Egyptians Ethiopians Americans-all have been up holding the big lie-trying to destroy the original-hence,Prophecy! All have been blocked because of "The Rapture-Aliyah" Action-"Watts and the One Day War 1968! The Dethroning of ISIS...the lies and usury by the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad by telling my Twin Raymond and my late wife, a sorority sister-that they would receive the Birthright-blessings and land, all that goes with it because Raymond was the first born and he is a part of the nation-this would be on the condition they would say and do nothing joining them the Nation to capture what belonged to Reuben! Their actions showed they agreed...I went to jail for a crime I didn't commit ...they all failed! My God The Living Most High-I Am-is no Fool- no Play thing-Is God!...For those who think this is a joke Try this one on for size in action...Starting from the square on a level plane in and of Prophecy...Move-there will be a fire underneath you a fire on both sides of you-in front of you-Spiritually ahead and straight up-into the real warriors in battle where every inch of ground is covered-but-you must find the "Royal High Way! The Land and the Door of life !...if it be yours-no problem up the river like Niagara Falls-you will fine the Wisdom In the Water-along with the program we have outlined for the benefit of the Black Slaves of America-No Lie-No Trick-No game! Are you a Leader -An Heir-Then don't Talk it...Walk it! then you too will know the Most High God-I am!" (C) 3/17/2014 Reuben Seed of Jacob-Sun of Simeon Twelfth House Of Israel- Prophecy of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob...! Reuben Beckles
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