Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

The real truth behind Slavery and denial is Covetness-selfishness and greed relative to economics and free labor-identity theft and the unpaid debt of free labor and land owed!

The beauty of today's so-called modern secular world activities is wrapped up in truth and karma-no one can run or hide and we'll find Justice is more than a mere word in Black and White as both in this country are head and knee deep in monumental denial.  Black Judas SELLOUTS and their blood sucking vampires in crime and usury are being expose big time here and around the world because we know Zebras don't change their colors-Leopards don't change their spots and a pig will eat anything and remain pork!  What is be played out on the American scene today in the form of athletics is comical and foolish because Slavery we are told is over-but it isn't and people of sound mind know it-including the owners and players-white owners who pay tremendous sums of money to those who entertain them. These folk (players) are nothing more than Gladiators like In  Greek and Roman times.  One would think that the (players...Black) who claim to be free would invest in freedom activities and creativity for the benefit of themselves and kind while at the same time up lifting their communities-but they don't and the reason they hate themselves-don't trust themselves and they don't have a real sustaining community as do other folk who make this land and country their home!  Truth is, the foundation of this nation is and remain Slavery and both the player's and owners are in denial knowing a Pig is still pork and a Leopard doesn't change it's spots.  Black is still Black and beautiful and Caucasian Whites and those who follow and are a part of him remain so-Let's be for real-act and tell the truth! My position as a Black man in this nation is well known -Blacks are truly not free and sovereign ...however, if across the nation they think otherwise what legacy and job creating businesses have they built for themselves and children-other than begging institutions called Church where the few gain the wealth  waxing fat in terms of millions upon millions if not billions as their so-called communities and people for the most part live and remain in poverty.  This knowledge and wisdom is not only related to the Churches who have been ripping off the folk through faith based non profit institutions  but Politicians lawyers so-called activist who are nothing more than agent provocateurs whose job it is to keep the people off balance and in check.  When the days end they're all considered fools punks and sissies with no foundation -freedom -no land they control for self and kind working and doing for everybody other than self and kind-yet have the nerve to get up set when some one uses the term Slave -Nigger who refuses to leave the plantation because they sold their Spirits and soul out to other nationalities and blood sucking vampires who covet everything Black of Value!...value which the seller does not value as they watch so-called(White modern day Caucasians called Israeli called Team Innovation move into Africa and help the poorest of poor with health-water -electricity and other technology!  How do you as educated free Blacks-land of your birth and ancestry allow others to do for you and your kind that which you should be doing for your selves as Prodigal Son and Daughters- with Reparations Restitution back to your self and Land!  If you prefer continued denial as slaves in this land that no longer needs or wants you as a people then Slavery and destruction is your choice and it will not end as you think-because it will have nothing to do with Divine Intervention and Prophecy!-the Secular State of what you call Israel will not-cannot help you because it was not set up by Divine Authority and those Blood sucking Caucasian vampires know do the United Nations under Harry Truman knew it when they set it up! did those Black Judas sellouts from the house of Judah!  While Negros-Coloreds-Afro-African Americans Say they are Black and do nothing to claim their real Spiritual inheritance relative to the land, watch those calling themselves Israelis/ Palestinians who really don't belong on the land they are now claiming as theirs.  They too are imposter's, which is why Prophecy tells us they will be 'shouting, Peace, Peace but there will be none! "  History tells us...Philistines(ia) was placed on the west coast as a thorn in the side of Jacob, (Black Israel) by Egypt. They are both looking for support from a Latino Pope during his recent visit to Jordan.  This because many Latinos and Mexicans have converted to Judaism in what they perceive to be the money tree. However, this too will be of no value and will fail. That relationship is nothing more than Spain and Portugal(Sephardic and  Ashkenazim...European-Rome !Reuben from the Twelfth House of Black Israel-Jacob Seed- Sun of Simeon can attest to this truth in Action known here and the Nations of the world(Watts-1965...One Day War!" 1968-Divine Intervention -The Sovereignty of the Land Beyond the Jordan-Reuben Gad and Half Tribe of Manasseh -the Aliyah-Rapture and the Kings High Way relative to the door of life! These acts and others by yours truly do not represent a play thing as I speak to and on behalf of the Black Slaves in America and their foundation and descendants whose free labor made this nation what it is.  By FAITH I CAME FORTH.   (c) Reuben  Seed Of Jacob-Sun of Simeon     6/4th/2014          Reuben Beckles


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