Divine Intervention Relative to the Land and House of reuben Jacob's seed Sun Of Simeon-No Lie's No Trick's No games!
Much has been said and ridiculed concerning my knowledge wisdom and experienced action taken by yours truly and laid down in Black and White on my Blogger-twitter-You tube and other forms of communications -action taken-for which I make no apology concerning the Black slaves of America and the debt not paid for free labor-untold mental and spiritual acts of destruction and Identity theft by the same demonic folk who set this nation and government up in the name of Justice under Law-while excluding Black folk and their descendants whom they claimed were and are nothing more than animals! The truth is these same slaves were given so-called freedom with nothing to be exploited and used by the nations and peoples of the world. This is what gave rise en-mass to what is known as the colored population calling themselves Black-Creoles-Mulattoes -Octoroons - by their actions knowing they're not Black and have no intentions of being so. However, they stand in line to receive anything of value which should be given to Black...Education-Law-Social and Monetary Compensation-Land-Reparations-Restitution and Justice. This is because the Blacks under Slavery did not understand they were and are merely Pawns In the game of trickery and these other folk used the real knowledge of real Black folk whom are called Hebrews-Israelites) a Sovereign people from a real land mass which the nations and people of the world covet -this includes those Black Judas sellouts on the continent of Africa and those from the House of Judah-Ethiopia-Egypt and Greece whose Jealousy and envy cannot be measured in truth because their barbaric vampire ways are hidden in the heart of Rome where sits the Ethiopian College-also known By Spain-England-Portugal -Italy -Ukraine-Poland Germany and Russia among others...all, which were promised the birthright of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob the Land and Divine Prophecy of Jacob! The Sanhedrin Council were and remain today responsible for the chaotic condition of the world today as they setup the various religions to promote and enforce through genocide and vampire acts of hatred and greed for the Supreme Lord of the Living most High God-I Am! These thugs -pimps and gangsters are the same ones in this nation who promotes Slavery keeping intact the religions through the secret societies so that the people-the Slaves keep themselves on the bottom to the nations of the world creating nothing for themselves, while dying fighting for others in the name of (Jesus)...hating themselves! ...but loving Jesus! Hating the Black man, turning the children of their union against him- selling him out in the Church to the White Blood sucking vampire and Esau and anyone else that would listen to her dictates about the blood suckers calling themselves Israelis(White Jews-whom she Loves-but hates Black Israel! Strange? Not so, when the fact are understood in our last Blogger-when I asked the question "Where was the Black Woman in America, when these actions were taken by the Black Man for real -Justice- Land- Freedom-Sovereignty in Reparations Restitution and Land? "Watts-Walking Of the Kings High Way! The War of 1968- Entrance to the Door of Life and Sovereignty! Throne of Reuben - the twelfth house of Israel-Seed of Jacob!? Truth is...they were in the various religious houses across this land selling themselves and the God out for acceptance and a job so that she was the head and her Man was nothing! Reuben, was on the bottom and in Jail knowing nothing of the master plot to be destroyed in the name of Their Jesus! But, what they and those who were working in her behalf didn't know was that Divine Intervention by the Supreme Lord of the living Most God In the Spirit would take place...She and others through Isis, would fail -the game plan back fired Reuben, became Sovereign on his land- prophecy is real and the debt would be paid! Those Blacks who sold out their spirits here and abroad would be repelled from those lands and be exposed as the Judas they are and can claim nothing of value and truth belonging to Black Israel as they didn't fight for the nation -land or People thinking only of themselves and did the same thing as Esau-who gave up the birthright that wasn't his-or the situation involving (Marcus Garvey) thrown out of the Grand Bahamas for a mess of rice before coming to America! Sanford Alexander, was no different, he and his organization tried to destroy me because I did by Faith what they were suppose to do with knowledge....or What Christ did on the Cross-cris cross and doubled cross when his Twelve Brothers, Disciples...denounced him when they found out he wasn't playing a game and their would be a heavy price to pay, they would never take the action themselves but wanted the power and glory! In today's setting we watch colored Negros pretending to be Black with Faith and value but want nothing to do with Land Reparations and Restitution. They make a lot of noise with no action for that which they claim is theirs- while the White freedmen rallied around and on behalf of their brother in Las Vegas- as the Federal government moved in and tried to take the freedman's cattle for grazing on Federal Lands! White freeman came to their brothers aid with Guns in hand from all over the country with Knowledge Of Their Constitution" We The People-ready to do Battle: they were not playing....the government returned the cattle and backed down-! So what's with this Negros Civil rights game with Black folk" Lest We Forget" Sovereignty-Divine Intervention -Black Power-Land-Reparations and Restitution is no Game-No Trick and No Lie! Reuben Seed Of Jacob-Sun of Simeon-this is no beg thing-no pay thing and Divine Justice is Real! (C) 4/24/2014 Reuben Beckles
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