Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, April 18, 2014

If Black Slaves and their Decendants in America desire Freedom-Justice and Soverienty Then We must be true to ourselves and move as Prophecy and Truth Dictates relative to the Supreme Lord of the living most High -I Am!

Peoples and nations of the world are moving at a tremendous pace towards self destruction because of lies-deception and usury. Black slaves and their off springs are no exception as they are told and trained to forget the past of history-go to school and prepare to enter the world economy  by working for jobs for the betterment of other folk and cultures.  This insanity is taught and promoted from within the community mind set of Black folk ...provided, you're able to find a real viable Black community of conscience faithful believing Black folk!   It is my opinion that many Black men and women who have studied, fought and died for real Justice and freedom have all been kicked to the gutter of nothingness and replaced by a bunch of absolute phonies hypocrites called leaders from within the religious-education - financial -legal and Political institutions  who form groups of pimps -hustlers and would be humans of Black Judas sellouts who do nothing more than kill the minds and real achievements of Black folk future!  ...because the way things are moving for the benefit of the Money Capitalist and usury Identity thieves  who are nothing more than bloodsucking vampires whose lies and greed -deceit give to the world nothing more than the cause and effect of death and destruction ! Believe it or not these agents of death are placed within key positions within the so-called Black communities across the nation by outside forces of Christian Gentiles and Caucasian(Aryan) Zionist Jews to keep Black down-with nothing...looking up to a white savior!  These Black Judas Sellouts get paid big time to keep the Slaves running to their various houses of Worship looking for a brighter day as they  promote a divide by color and Class knowing the original knowledge they use coming from  Hebrew as a language and culture cannot be translated to other languages and cultures and have it's meaning and intent come out to be anything like it's original purpose and intent!  That is why during slavery in America, it was punishable by death if the slaves were taught anything about themselves or given the ability to read and write which gave the European the time to imitate Black folk and steal your Identity and values.  This is why for the most part Black folk are having problems today!  These outside forces know it as do Egypt-Ethiopia-Greece -Rome and those who promoted the activities of the Sanhedrin Council(Black Folk) selling their knowledge-spirits and wisdom to create the mess Black folk are in today!  Their job was and is to destroy ancient Israel and the prophecy of faith of Jacob-giving the power over to Esau and Ishmael!  "Lest we Forget" The Supreme Lord of the living Most High God-I not sleep and no fool and divine intervention is nothing to play with as these Judas sissies and blood sucking vampires found out as their best laid plans fell apart and everything back fired on them all which is where yours truly entered the picture and enter the life Of one Mr. Sanford Alexander of the Los Angeles Herald Dispatch-Weekly Newspaper-and the African House!  This Man opened the door to my Destiny and the Universe-because I was a sales man for his Newspaper-nothing more-nothing less-he did not tell me anything but because of my action and truth he was forced to take a position I'm sure at this point he didn't want to take- as a result I paid the price I went to jail lost my home and family -giving rise to "Watts- Destruction and dethroning of IsIs- My walking the Kings Highway and "The One Day War1968"  His envolment  with Shrindom and the secret societies was to destroy Black folk or keep them down and out for the Black Judas sellout on the continent-which is why they don't promote Sovereignty of the Land for the slaves in America-Reparations or Restitution and why many are coming here telling Black folk nothing!  The other aspect of this situation is the transfer and knowledge and wisdom  from another man language and culture relative to Jacob and Reuben.  Through the Church and other forms of communications Jacob is called and taught to be a theft- on the other hand Reuben defiled his Father and would never excel!  Yet, here we are in the 21th century, I walked through the door of life and save the lives of Black folk here and around the world and keep intact the Sovereignty and prophecy of Jacob and Israel-even while Judas sellouts from the house of Judah was selling out the lands and people on the west Bank of the Jordan but are now being imprisoned-denied work visa's  and waiting to be deported from the land the hoped to one respects loves and honors a Judas! point being, if what certain Blacks claim that I am As Reuben-Sun of Simeon-Seed of Jacob is nothing how did we over come them and their organization of usury lies and deceit...more important why Divine Intervention and the move towards Prophecy and what we stand for?... where was the Black woman in this total equation?   (C) 4/18/2014  From the kings Highway-Reuben Sun of Simeon Seed of Jacob and the Faith Of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob    Reparations compounded Interest-Restitution Land for the only peoples stripped of everything-yet here we are!!This claim comes only after The Rapture(Aliyah) when we entered the Land and sat on the Throne given by the Living Most High Lord-I am


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