Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From the Kings Highway relative to the foundation of America; Slavery and a debt never paid but owed!

The melting pot of America and it's current situation is because White Supremacy has been and is working in all of it's forms because of Black Judas sellouts right across the landscape  and continues to this very day allowing all peoples from around the world to come here and prosper at the expense of the Black Slave foundation and all his folk take an oath to the Constitution and pay taxes to sustain this demonic system while giving up their roots from whence they came.  They all know the Constitution didn't and couldn't free black slaves because the wealth they represent is too deep-too great!...yet, the debt remains because of how the Slaves were brought to this land and what was lost giving rise to their present condition. The turmoil in this land and around the world can be laid at the foundation of the peoples who suffered crimes beyond all comprehension-physically morally and mentally...set in motion by a bunch of low down, greedy, selfish, egotistical blood sucking vampires scum bags...individuals and groups who are money men -educators politicians -religious psychologist  with Satanic minds aided and abetted by legal folk who write and maintain laws for what they claim are the lawless, knowing they are the guilty reaping tremendous benefits at the expense of the innocence.  The activist do nothing- talkers and agent provocatur hiding out in secret societies think they will get away by using trickeration an some truth to promote the death of the non accepted!  Black slaves and their defendants fight beyond talk and pay the price of real action for land and sovereignty  as Black men while the phony Judas sellouts run and hide like the twelve aides to Jesus who denied him when the chips were down! Today we have those same types-talking the talk but selling out to scientology-in the name of Black liberation while others come up with some sorry excuse about the CIA or FBI had them on their hit list-while still others take from the pot of Restitution and Reparations claiming to be black and at the same time turn to the culture and life of white in the form of the Moors who were and are a part of black Slavery..."Lest We Forget" Creoles-Mulattos- Octoroons-Quadroons who moved in with what is known as the American Indians-only to be thrown out of their Nation and off the reservations because of their hypocritical ways towards the Indians who had befriended them!  Before I forget, the above mentioned folk don't consider themselves Black but have no compunctions when it comes to receiving benefits earmarked for Black! Talk and denial is the name of the game.  Followed by more talk-denial and usury!  The real trick behind the economical- political  and spiritual game playing is the hatred held by those coveting the Prophecy of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob and the Action taken by Jacob and the Land mass called Palestine=Israel!  Christanity nor Islam cannot take and maintain what The Supreme Lord of the living most High I am has given. The Twelve Houses of Israel were and are Black-even the Moors who claim not to be Black found themselves as squatters and had to be removed when the Israelites returned from their exile in Egypt!  If you're one of the faith and you go to the Book it will not only tell you this but you will be shone in action as was Dr King who was taken to the Mountain Top and saw it for himself, but by that time he had missed the mark and he knew Civil Rights was not the Way! I'm not telling you anything I don't know and haven't done and I don't play games!  This is what the sixties was all about...Reparations Restitution Freedom and Sovereinty!  Watts was the awakening -the Kings Highway was found and Walked-the Black Judas sellouts and their followers took a pay off to stay in America and give up their claim to the land of Israel enabling the white blood sucking vampires to take over much of Arab lands including the land of the Blacks who were apart of the on going Identity theft by working with Isis!...enters Reuben from the twelveth  House of Israel-Black, Physical, Spiritual and Divine-Gods intervention and the Rapture-the destruction of the Zionist movement and the One Day War!...The ascension within the Rapture of yours truly Reuben to the Divine Spiritual throne beyond the Jordan--into the land that 's not for Sale given or taken.  This is why folk here and around the world are living a lie and in denial-they missed the door of life and they' Must Reap' what they have sown in chaos-moving towards the Lake of fire!...Prophecy and Justice is real same as the Land of the Blacks before it was cut into a thousand different nation states for the benefit of Europe and their partner's in crime who are nothing more than Judas sellouts!  Reuben (C) 6/25/2014   From the Kings Highway-Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon.  Talk is one thing but action is another- If I'm telling a false hood prove me wrong by destroying prophecy and take the Land -then try doing away with Justice and Truth!       God Is...I Am!            Reuben Beckles


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