Long Hot Summer-CNN revisits Sixties Looking For Loop hole In Rapture and Black Power!
The game the government is playing with the use of President Obama and the African Continent is really a work in folly because they don't want to recognize the black Slavery situation that still plagues the nation relative too the slaves and their decendants from the foundation up which would give them real freedom and independence in the form of Land -Restitution and Reparations. CNN was commissioned to revisits the sixties along with all other communication outlets to find out how and why was your truly Reuben Seed of Jacob-a Black Man able to come through the chaotic turmoil of the sixties in relation to Black Power and the Aliyah-Rapture! ...be judged by prophecy and the Divine claim in truth! The United State government and it's client State Israel under Identity Theft- certain nations under the UN and Common Wealth were all included-along with Those in the Political Structure who take an oath before and after they enter political office to support all legislation that comes before them involving that phony state of Zionist Israel whose spirits they are using relative to the Black Slaves in America-which was facilitated by the African Slave trade- Ethiopia, Egypt, the Sandhedrin council-the clergy of Islam and Christainity -secret societies of masons and Greek fraternal orders within the educational communities across the land! These folk got paid to keep the slaves in poverty and dumb for the money makers and their children or kill them off when they awaken to the truth in the name of Jesus! Latins and Asians would then convert to what is called Judaism to the Black Judas sellouts coming from the continent known as the land of the Blacks...it was all one big Conspiracy to commit God Killing that Back Fired!...thinking that God -Prophecy and truth was dead! Travon Martin , Fergerson and the hell going on back east is a part of it as is the Obama party with Black heads of States coming to the White house with White lovers and wannabe Black-coloreds who hate Black but wants the benefits that should come to the black slaves and their decendants...plain and simple! This is why the so-called negro blacks who hate themselves including their women folk who want to be White coming to this land from Belize-the Common Wealth of the Carribean and Africa call this their paradise because the Blacks who were ripped from the Land of the Blacks which includes the Middles East and many of the twelve houses of Israel;(Blacks) slaved labored in this land and were never paid but nevertheless, set the foundation in place but were never paid and the Black Judas sellouts from those land know it and don't give a damn as they live high and now find themselves in a pay back situation as they cried "We're all the same-Jesus loves everybody!"...this while the faithful Blacks languish with nothing! With white women on their minds and on their arms they're lying Judas hypocrites as they talk 'My Black Queen stuff! It wasn't the Black Queen who Scarificed and made things happened for the freedom and betterment of Black folks but the Man whom no one wants to deal with ! Reuben... The Man!...whom God chose! Who walked the Kings Highway-Who entered the door of Life- Created the awakening of Watts- exposed the Zionist in Identity Theft-and the attempt to steal the Promised Lands of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Twelves Houses of Israel(One Day War!"1968)....Knowing Whites were never born in the Jordan Area!-"Lest We forget !" Who s' Kidding Whom?" Where was the WE...when Reuben was Judged for going through and Doing this by faith! What claim do the imposters have on the rights belonging too the real heirs of Israel? Reuben (C) seed of Jacob-seed of Jacob-Son of Simeon 8/18/2014
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