Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Time to Be for Real Black Folk Of America-Sixties Revisited- No Loop Hole Can't Deny Truth Forever!

America land of the free home of the brave was not put in place for anyone other than European White folk maintained with an economical-political religious and educational system that ensures their well being and status as a people who glory in their white skin and their ability to malipulate other peoples to their selfish will through trickeration, -war and deception!  Their crowning achievement in a broader since was and is the African slave trade.  The people whom they and Europe thought they had conquered  coming from the "Land of the Blacks"  has given America and it's white kind untold knowledge wealth and free slave labor to a point to where these folk believed and thought they were Gods of the universe-but in truth are a people steeped in chaos and usury! The system they have created here in America allows them to sustain a mind set of denial relative their  past history of slavery in all it's attending ills-that what they did for and too the slaves was for their  own benefit and a good thing to be stripped of everything of value as humans and demoralized as animals to be lynched- beaten- burned alive-castrated-families torn apart-forced to speak one language(his)-forced sex with the females to bring forth his kind whom he hates to this day.  All this and more they as a people heaped upon the slaves then told them as a people they were free knowing it was a lie! America, has grown to be the power it claims to be not because of it's white skin as Christens but because of the help given to them by white Zionist calling themselves Jews along with Black Judas sellouts on the Black continent and Arabs.  They got paid to help Europeans maintain  Black slavery! These white so-called Jews are really Caucasians known as money changers(Ashkenazi and Sephardic).  The lie goes on as these folk pretend they are from the people and knowledge of the Hebrew Bible and Lands. They're lairs and pretenders and they know it as do the real black folk here in America and on the continent known as the Land of the Blacks.  The truth is-many of these knowledgeable black folk are being paid large sums of money to push White folk and hold slavery intact.  These are your real Agent-provocaturs-Judas sellouts!  They have the same rotten blood sucking spirit as vampires-hating themselves for money and fame as they not only sell out the people-but the land and resources that has been God given.  They are the ones sustaining slavery in America and the Empires created in Europe leaving the Black folk en-mass confused-in poverty and chaos!  If you stand still-listen and watch certain black folk in places like Ferguson shout no Justice no peace-you'll fine it's all about usury to get the slaves worked up too get wiped out knowing they're not free and they have no blue print to be free because it envolves real freedom back to the land of their origin with reparations and restitutions for free slave labor knowing this is no paradise for black men. What you'll find is that many of these folk out front don't want a real solution. They and the White slave master prefer to live in a state of denial  as African Americans so that when the white slave master on the Black continent decides to come here the Black Judas blood sucking vampires will stand shoulder to shoulder with white folk to eliminate and sacrifice black youth and both can then put their greedy paws in the pot of reparations ear marked for the real black slaves and their decendants!  What they don't see is Divine intervention-destroying them all as phonies!  Deal with the truth    The King has Spoken!...the I Am is real   Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun Of Simeon (C)   8/19/2014                    No game -No Tricks!    Black Is Beautiful!      Reuben Beckles


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