Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Real Black Freedom Temporarily stalled during sixties is because of the input of so-called Black Africans who don't consider themselves Black and their alliance with White Zionist Communist calling themselves Jews-part of Abraham seed!

Black folk as slaves of America-living under the Constitution of this land, this is serious business and why there had to be 'Divine Intervention' during the sixties on behalf of yours truly concerning the original state of Jacob's Israel and the descendants within the blood line of those original people and the faith.  African people -Ethiopian -Egypt-Judah Isis and Caucasian Houses on European soil are all in denial and responsible for the chaos and destruction on the land of the Blacks along with Esau-the Vatican and Sandhedrin Council! It's all been a Spiritual Sellout -plain and simple!  All these folk were in on the  Slave Trade -death and destruction for monetary gain and profit  sustained by secular and religious houses-within the frame work of so-called secret societies-known by the African Methodist Church - those steeped in Met -a-physics-Episcopal Church-Islam-Christanity all, in the spirit of Selfishness and greed. This brings us to these shores of America in chains and shackles-torn from righteous  culture and language-families to be sold like animals for profit scorned and lynched-castrated-beaten-cattle proded -water hosed -attacked by dogs -women and children sexually abused without their consent-fed garbage to work and give free slave labor- these things and more were heaped upon a defenseless people-who were told when politically correct-you're free-to make freedom your home in this insanity of North America-to be sung too and told 'God loves you" be happy from black ,white , brown, yellow, red and coloreds who now stand in the pulpits shouting this insanity to the victims and their descendants...ending with " We Have Come Along Way!"...Meaning the slave masters and their agent provacaturs who today profit from your inability to do for self. Now want to train our children in their blood sucking ways thinking God is dead and we are asleep!  How sad as we watch many of our brothers and sisters join the armies against themselves to fight in distance lands for folk other than themselves, return to this land as slaves waiting to be accepted be free and make money!...mindless-homeless-body and mind hurting racked with pain-looking for the fullness of their Spiritual self and kind while the enemies who robbed you and your kind of every thing of value courts your woman-your daughters preaching 'God is Good-Jesus is Love!  Where is your Land  Reparations-your Restitution?  If you say here then you are insane!  Others use your identity knowing Black Is Beautiful in Abraham Isaac Jacob=Black Israel - Black Reuben from the "Kings Highway(C) 8/23/2014....the King has spoken from the door of life beyond the Jordan.  If my actions and what I speak is a Lie let the phonies and pretenders come to me straight up and tell me "Watts in action didn't happen 'One day War of 1968 didn't expose and defeat the phony Zionist state of what they call Israel- fought and dethroned Egypt and the Zionist Isis - the Blacks weren't brought here in Chains and shackles-or that I was paid off and given a white woman to say I've arrived... this or any other thing related to truth! Reuben seed of Jacob -Sun of Simeon.  I Am that I Am is real as is Prophecy!          Reuben Beckles


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