The real Royal Blood Line of Black Is Beautiful relative to Jacobs Seed and Prophecy Is No Game-Free was not given by Marches-Ministers And game playing Politicans Money Changers!
The above title is true and factual-phony do-gooders and lying impostors had black folks in a position to be destroyed all over the world and especially here in America. It was only through Divine intervention and the Spiritual action of Reuben-by faith as the Seed of Jacob coming from the foundation that blocked these satanic, bloodsucking cowards and sissies and they know it. They used the truth and knowledge creating chaos and a dream of make believe freedom to perform an undeclared act of war for the benefit of Aryan White Supremacy-so-called Caucasian Zionist Jewish movement which was promoted by so called Black Leadership who hated themselves in the so-called Civil Rights Movement' of the Sixties. These leaders were paid tremendous sums of money...some on the Christian side others on so-called Jewish side-some didn't care hating prophecy and Black so much they just took the money and ran thinking they would be saved denying and selling their souls...same as Esau and Judas - disciples Of Christ! These Negro Colored folk were in all facets of Black life! ...much like on the land of the Blacks-Europeans would never have been able too penetrate Black life without the help of the leadership which included Mulattoes and Moors who knew the people and trade routes. Also, who the Israelites(Hebrews really were and are!) The love of self and kind-God Faith and Black Power turned the tide which now has these petty thieves shaking their heads wondering what's up-what church do you belong? Indeed, the sixties were something to behold. The impostor's failed along with their Goddess Isis looking for souls and a hiding place not understanding the Black Royal Blood Line, as they push Equality and fake Brotherhood-Integration and the Common Wealth which is nothing more than Capitalism -world wide and Slavery, knowing it's foundation is Black America and the debt owed to Black Slaves who are being told they're free. Where and with what? Begging and Marching is no freedom and no Sovereignty! The only freedom Black folk were given was in chains and shackles-in America, led by coloreds under White Supremacy from the eastern part of this land-Marching into the hell hole plantations of Alabama Mississippi and Louisiana. Today-Blacks are still being led by these same folk-to March, March...without chains and shackles-for so-called Civil Rights-Hell we got tried of Marching during the awakening of "Watts'! You are now being shone how free you're not, by the situation in (St Louis-Ferguson) What you're not being told and shone is that Blacks are still slaves all over this land that was set up for white folk. The real fight is between White Christians and Jews who don't want to see Black Independence and freedom. Blacks are being used as pawns in the game as an under class! They sell you dope-give you poor schools- they cut your water off knowing your economical base with no jobs is driving you crazy. You don't own the land you squat on! You drive cars you don't manufacture and get fined tickets that keep you poor and frustrated while you support a system and people(white Christians and Jews) that see you only as Economical cannon Fodder. You fill their Jails and fight their Wars! The Men Folk languish on the battle fields across the world created not by you but them! You're in jail for using dope they flood the nation with then use your women folk in or out of Church-giving them jobs you can't find-on the land in a system you built. Today, you have what is known as Integration under a Constitution that wasn't designed for you yet you say you're free and Equal. If all this is true and it is- Why would God in the Spirit of Jacob-House of Reuben give you Divine Intervention in Black Power for real freedom and Justice! Whites-Colors and Judas sellouts teach you from the Koran-Bible-old and new and you claim color doesn't matter-yet, this whole System was and is based on Color-with Black on the bottom? I Reuben, will and can tell you this simple truth as a Black Man from the door of Life- Black Man is not on the bottom-Black Man Walked the Kings Highway-Black Man defeated Isis and the phony state of Israel claiming the land Mass of Palestine and the Bible. This is a fact! The Aryan Christians know this as do the Zionist Jews. The knowledge of this reality didn't start in the west but the east! Ethiopia-Egypt-known in Saudi Arabia-Mexico-Central and South America-China who sold out to the west now trying to claim Africa-all while Black Israel stands-(Is)! The claim for the Slaves in America-since this is the foundation of Economical Capitalism is Land Restitution Reparations-no debate! No people on this planet came through what Black folk in this nation have suffered...yet stand today!...Black Is Beautiful! (C) Reuben-Seed of Jacob-Sun of Simeon (Faith-I Am) 9/10/2014 Reuben Beckles
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