Nations-Coloreds-Cultures around the world in their respectives religions now trying to claim Royal Birthright of Jacob and blessings in Black-yet want nothing to do with Black!
I don't know about you-but yours truly is witnessing some weird and strange situations happening around the Globe relative to Black slaves of America and their foundation of free labor-chains and shackles-broken homes-lynchings-murders -castrations-beating-Identity theft and a whole host of unspeakable crimes committed against them as black folk right across the board. We the descendants of a captive people owe a tremendous debt to their faith in our God that sustains us today as we speak one language given by those who profited then and now physically and mentally as they now attempt to destroy the very folk who made it possible for a system of White Capitalism and phony white supremacy they teach in their schools and universities- Black Inferiority- unless something white motivated Black to achieve, relative to White standards...Is that insane or did I miss something? These folk are Johnnie come lately on the planet who have been shone and given everything they have by Black and others yet they talk and act as though they created themselves. What amazes yours truly are the Blacks along with the Judas sellouts who want nothing more than to be accepted leaving their children with no real future as a people-no faith-no growth that they can accept-no God they fight in ignorance. It's all insanity considering how many millions died on the high seas before landing on these shores and else where that gave rise to the wealth and power of this nation only to be told that we the descendants the foundation and builders of this nation aren't entitled to anything but talk in freedom! The Revolutionary and Civil Wars and Black participation was movement in action-Cotton became King, Black action-World War One and two-Black Action! Korea-Vietnam weren't just wood pieces moving themselves across a chess board to say nothing about the current wars to make the world safer and freer for whiteness, White folk-Afghanistan-Iran-Iraq-Land of the Blacks and middle East-central America, Cuba-Philippine's-Twin towers...these wars and other of a clandestine nature not mentioned were and are being funded with funds earned from the action of the slaves that made 'Cotton King-Reparations that was never given to an entitled people for free labor due Restitution whom whites then and now, considered Blacks as property and by giving Blacks a religion that personified white image Blacks wouldn't think twice about dying to sustain their so-called White brothers! This is the reality of The "One Day War" Awakening of Watts Revolution-Rebellion)-Kings Highway Wisdom walked by Your Truly-Justice Freedom and Soveriegnty into the door of life-Land in the Aliyah( Rapture!...All in and through Jacobs Seed Black Power-Black Faith in the Sixties-knowing many Black folk lost their faith gave it up and sold themselves to the devil who now state ...we're all the same-knowing it's a lie! They just didn't have the balls to commit and sustain themselves in the truth of faith-love-truth and kind after all, they're taught ( Jesus loved and Died for Everybody) knowing the people he loved and taught denied him and didn't pick up a tooth pick to help him and couldn't wait for him to die! If you check the record of Marcus Garvey Malcolm X you'll find a similar set of facts! The difference between these other folk and my self-though they be my brothers I'm no game -no trick and my faith is real with my God of Black Love-Black Truth-Sovereignty and Land God given and not for sale at any price knowing my worth and faith as Jacob's seed Sun of Simeon! Having said this, I'm not here to die for Black or White insanity tricks and game playing with any nations or groups. Justice says you owe with compounded interest plain and simple! When this nation was attacked they didn't tell it's people and leaders-let's forget about it and pray for their forgiveness-they went to war decimated those responsible and blew them into the dark ages of time-veteran homes and hospital are a testament of action yet, they're the same folk in denial when it comes to the foundation of Black Folk- free slave labor and Justice...well, don't say anything when Karma through Black power and Divine Intervention extracts Justice. Then you can take your American case to the Capitalist Communist Zionist who had Germany by the balls economically during WWII-before they were put into concentration camps given rise to the Holocaust. Both you and your partners in crime can talk about the reparations given to the Indian and the Japanese internment camps. They were legal citizens! Now ask your freedom loving -bloodsucking Vampires-what is the difference with hard working Blacks who never came here of their own free will to be your slaves as property! (C) 9/19/2014 Reuben seed of Jacob Black is Beautiful Sun of Simeon in the Faith! Reuben Beckles
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