Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Astrology-Astrometry In age Of Aquarius Essence of Conspiracy to Commit God Killing!

House of Pisces -Land and throne of Reuben-belief and faith in action( in Age of Aquarius) Reuben, seed of Jacob and foundation Of Israel-Hebrew Black man during the sixties was to have been sacrificed for money and continued slavery in the name of Civil Rights and Justice!  It was set up by Black and colored Judas sellouts that was part of the Sanhedrin Council through Egypt, Greece, Ethiopia the Vatican-and the money Corporation of the United States along with the Caucasian Zionist . The game was to give knowledge and Spirits of the Black world to White Western World-raising the White culture of nations around the world as we now know it. Greedy black Judas sellouts in their envy and self hate wrapped in jealousy created these monster bloodsucking republic nation states  made slavery tremendously profitable and Cotton King-creating unmentionable pain and suffering for blacks we know  as  slave animals!  Arabs and Moors who were also in on common wealth of suffering and profit didn't care because they never considered themselves Black.  The Age of Aquarius was and is about exterminating Black Prophecy, Jacob seed of Israel and true Black Sovereignty. the land mass and faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!  Today you'll find Caucasians all over the place  calling themselves Jews in Palestine making claims under Identity theft about a people and land whose birth Right they're trying to seal and claim knowing Caucasians had nothing to do with that part of the world. Judah was a part of Israel-same as Texas is only apart of the U.S. That area and land belongs to Black folk " Lest We Forget!"  The One Day War was about giving  total Sovereignty to Caucasians over that area and exterminate all  Blacks who would not submit-plain and simple.  That is what the International trade routes-Law -Identity theft and money is all about!  Blacks as an under class and white Superiority!  This is why people from around the world can tell the Black Slaves  of America who they are. Slavery has left Blacks in America working begging for acceptance-Clueless!  Nations and peoples all over the world are in a conspiracy to keep the cross of the Square -Justice and Sovereignty a secret.  White Brown Yellow Red-Black Judas sellouts fighting for a piece of the pie with the Vampires of Satan controlling the Cross  Double Cross!  This is why none can tell you the effects of Reuben's Sovereign action in the Spirit of Faith and the degrees of Knowledge they carry-because his actions over came all they were claiming to be about in truth but were really fighting him and his kind against Divine truth.  I don't care if it were Christians who are now in denial- those in the name of Islam (Peace) under Elijah who claimed this is all there is on this plain-submit too them.  They all found out they failed because of Divine Intervention  and Reuben's entering the door of life-they wanted the creation not the creator-the I Am!  In the Age Of Aquarius' these folk found they were fighting for dethroned Isis and against the Divine Spirit (Twelfth House of Black Israel-foundation in Astrology-faith)-part of the awaking of Watts-an extension of the Kings High Way and the door of Life-One Day War-1968! while defeating the state  of so called Israel-Palestine! Slavery was over-Satan Busted  as the Money makers and lenders in slave United States went into denial claiming God so loved the world why don't slaves get over slavery and get an education- go to work!  So great was the demonic effect upon the slaves they too went into denial pushing aside thoughts of freedom and Sovereignty-Separation!  Would you believe in todays Age of Aquarius, Egypt-Ethiopia, Vatican even the Moors are claiming Sovereignty among the very black folk they enslaved by denying their Blackness as Black slaves rise to demand their birthright and claim Freedom and sovereignty  in Land Reparations and Restitution!  Elijah, Dr King and the Hierarchy among Black folk were all hating themselves fighting for the crumbs and acceptance of while termites and bloodsucking sissies vampires!  Black slaves of America, almost lost it all were it not for God-in the Spirit of  Prophecy and Divine intervention not believed or understood by most of what it takes to be free and a believer in the faith-yet,action is required if Sovereignty is to be had! (C) 9/26/2014          Reuben...  Seed Of Jacob Sun of Simeon-Truth from the Kings High Way and the Door of Life! How do I know about the Aliyah -Rapture?...action  by Faith...In I Am!  Reuben Beckles              Pisces Alive!  "Age Of Aquarius


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