Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Why Slavery remains-Slaves loves their position in Slavery-Slave Master Loves his position in White Supreme-Both believe he's God! Both should recuse themselves from planet earth relative too Universe!

It's a good thing to know who you are-where you are and what you stand for.  I know I didn't create myself or the Sun Moon or Stars-the planets  nor the Galaxy of planets in the universe. Certainly not the worlds beyond this.  What I do know beyond any shadow of doubt, creation and evolution is only part of time so when asked what branch of service were you in?...then told-you were in Korea or Vietnam!  I responded, none. Drawing complete silence-to be broken by another question.  What is the name of your God?  With no Hassle-no debate( God has ninety nine names, the one hundredth is known only too the Camel!  Give Credit Where Credit Is Due.  If the Slave Master doesn't know who he is masquerading around under the cover of White Supremacy relative too Black Judas sellouts then the Black slaves,  builders of America's foundation don't stand a chance for Black freedom and Sovereignty in Land Restitution and Reparations in that the slaves have no connection with time and their God. They can only act in a reactionary fashion to be led and be played like a yo-yo !  Even with Divine intervention in the slaves behalf(God, Whom Credit is Due-gets none while the impostor's, sissies and Vampires along with the Black Judas sellouts continue their games of tricks masquerading as untouchables promoting this system of lies deceit and  usury!  What both have yet to learn is that time brings about experience and knowledge and neither can hide in denial for ever because Justice awaits them both within the doors of Karma!  The slave masters in their lust for greed and power creates and promotes wars which destroys land people and cultures send their mindless clueless  wannabe accepted slaves to kill and be killed  in the name of Demon Rule Democracy, White Supremacy and equality for  themselves!  Their white off springs are given pretended status, freedom in the mist of black slaves as porch monkeys-stool pigeons Politicians  Ministers  Lawyers and a platform of Town Hall  Meetings and Sham Conferences so that they are able to direct self destructing policies that pretend to help the needy slaves. Such is the relationship of Caucasian Zionists calling themselves Jews (  Sephardim-Ashkenazim)  who were never born in the area mentioned in the Bible-they don't understand the Hebrew  language or culture-knowing they're impostor's. They don't believe in a Spiritual Unseen God yet they claim to be a part of the very people they have enslaved and history they use!  Freedom Black Freedom' means just that !  To hell with pretended Slavery and time means no Hassle, no Debate. Give Credit where Due "I Am," Divine Creator of the Creation of which Black Slaves are a Part ! Land Restitution Reparations !  Karma and the attending Plagues is no joke and time was not created by the Slave Masters and certainly not the slaves-both living in denial!  Is an Elephant heavy-is a pig pork-did the slaves come to America on their own free will and agree to labor for nothing-have their families destroyed-speak one language by choice. Did they give this nation a treaty making them and their off springs slaves for ever?  From the Kings High Way Reuben...Seed of Jacob-Sun of Simeon-by faith acted for Self and kind sovereignty land reparations restitution. I claim nothing I didn't do or act upon and was not helped or aided by any group or individuals....Only the Divine Creator stepped in and intervened - Watts  "One Day War 1968-Isis dethroning- Kings High Way- Door of Life and The Aliyah-Rapture)!    Even My ex wives-nor Mr Sanford Alexander of the African House 'Herald Dispatch Weekly representing Malcolm X did not know of or understand my movements until they were made.  If this is not so let the person or persons come forth tell the truth and make the claim because  denial is an easy way out. Action means you'll pay dues with no help except from the Divine Creator relative to the faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob-Spirit and Land! History of Black made beautiful by Faith in Action!(C) Oct. 7/2014   Reuben Beckles


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