If this isn't a Time for self Interest when? Slavery over yet slavery remains-Why?
Not long ago the Caribbean brought forth many intelligent respected leaders who understood the meaning of Justice and Freedom, however, as in the case of so many leaders, greed selfishness and envy took it's toll and the nobility of sustained action on behalf of the people fell into chaos giving rise to the sham of "Common Wealth" created by European 'England which caused the destruction of one of greatest minds produced in that area of the world" Mr Marcus Garvey who was right on point for freedom Justice in action for Black folk! His own kind sold him out for a bowl of rice-kicked him out of the area -said he was nothing but his action coming to America proved other wise placing all peoples of the world on their own land mass so that they would be able to do for self and kind. As history knows his 'Black Star Line' was blocked by the U.S, government-State and Justice Department. He could not place his feet on the 'Land Of The Blacks' as a Black Man. Creole Mulattoes Octoroons from Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and other parts of the South being of white stock-not Black were given their freedom and returned to a place called Liberia. They were responsible to the United States Government and it's Corporate Structure to keep Mr Marcus Garvey from becoming Sovereign on his own Land! Today many folk in that area come to these shores and speak of him as being one of their favorite Sons, yet they never accepted him as he walked among them. Many Black so-called leaders from that area of the world have emerged in this country as Politicians-Business folk-Religious leaders Lawyers. Their presents was really felt during the Civil Rights Movement of the Sixties. Truth is, most of them see this nation as paradise for them to live and don't give one good damn for what Marcus Garvey stood for instead they opted for the Common Wealth of protection and so-called equality in free masonic order as China builds hotels where blacks can't live. Liberia flounders in the sewer of Ebola while a' Reparations conference' was being held in Chicago, hosted by En cobra along with many guest speakers including, Minister Louis Farrakhan, also from the Caribbean. Many other notables who have been talking Reparations for the past eight to ten years with no action. One of the greatest blue prints for action laid before them. The act of Marcus Garvey. The only blue print to top Mr Garvey are the Hebrew Scriptures! Among other talking leaders was President Obama's ex Minister Rev. Wright. The author of HR- 40 Congressman Conyers who got fifteen too twenty million dollars to study the effect of slavery and Reparations. Sense no action has been taken I assume the congress is still studying the effect trying to find ways and means to destroy Black folk because from where I sit most of these talkers don't have a clue on how to act on one of the most important pieces of legislation they will ever encounter. Why...because they're not Black Folk but Agent Provocateurs-Judas sellouts...Colored White Mans Sons and Daughters who have been taking pay offs under the table for a long time-hence, no action towards freedom land and Justice(S RR) for Black Slaves looking to them for Solutions... Action-Other Than Talk! Now they bring forth another Judas sellout from the Caribbean to give them hope in the Diaspora of Black sellouts-guest speaker and professor Sir Hillary Beckles! It's all a Sham and a Joke! None of these folk mentioned came from this land and been claimed by this System of usury and pretended freedom therefore did not and have no intention of paying the real price of freedom relative to the foundation of hell that built this nation! If the truth be told they're sissies who gave up their Man-hood to these Blood Sucking Vampires for money that has no real value and acceptance. They want no real freedom for themselves or the slaves they try to influence for the White woman and slave masters. Sir Hillary Beckles pledges his life and support to the White Queen of England-Same as the rest of those thugs on the Land of The Blacks-who must go if the Land and people are to be free! If these leaders claim to be fighting for real independence and Justice-How can a person like Nelson Mandela of the ANC in South Africa, tell us here in America and around the world he's fighting for freedom when in fact from what I can see and understand it was his Wife Winnie' who was for real and paid the price while he and those males around him were selling out the Land-People and resources to the Zionist allowing White women on Black arms to influence and make Black policy -where's the Justice in that? I know that Black thought and action effects Black folk here and around the world knowing this is fact and no play thing! You ask who do I think I Am-I don't think...I know-Reuben...Seed of Jacob Sun Of Simeon, Black House of Israel-Foundation Twelve Articles of Faith in the Spirit of Abraham Isaac and Jacob!...who walked the Kings High Way entered the door of life-help bring about the awaking of Watts and the spiritual revolution ...obtained a busted family-went to jail for crimes of being Black stomped and beaten beyond all moral or perceived comprehension-thought to be (physiological unfit and a danger to myself and others while dethroning Isis who wanted my soul and spirit while she and others promoted the phony state of Israel through Egypt-Greece Ethiopia and the Vatican "fighting the One Day War! 1968 while refusing to enter war in Vietnam while loving my God the I Am) self and kind demanding my Sovereignty in my faith and land! These are just a few of the things I stand on and work for as Black for self and kind and I make no apology. You will not find me running from place to place looking for acceptance in culture to culture asking the Gorilla to find a leopard looking like a Tiger to find a snake to ask the pig for permission to eat the pork thinking Black isn't Beautiful! I'm not for sale! No game No trick! Reuben...What do you stand for and who are you after all the talk. If it's not for real don't knock on my door! (C) 10/3/2014...From the Kings High Way Land RR-Sovereign
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