Black Power In Truth-Land for Slaves On Their Home Continent-Fools fighting truth With Contempt For God's Authority In Black!
Black folk the world over had truth as to who they were relative to culture and harmony long before Caucasians and other folk were on the planet. You can go from Red-Yellow-Brown-White- Creoles-Mulattoes-Quadroons-Octoroons! What's the problem that creates so much chaos envy in the name of Black and jealousy? Religions from Judaism, Christianity Islam and a whole host of other names and entities giving rise to Temples-secret societies-mosques-churches all talk God and values but in reality believe in nothing but money-usury and power...jealousy, envy and greed which promotes destruction and wars around the globe in the name of Democracy and political correctness White Supremacy aided and abetted by all who want something for nothing! Breaking from the original God force of creation truth and harmony Black Judas sellout then and now thought they were stronger and wiser than the Divine creator-hence chaos and their seeds of self destruction. From divine scriptures to secular political insanity-from the diaspora to the Common Wealth of Nations tied into ancient empires to the destruction of American Indian culture...falsehood of envy, deceit lies jealousy- promises that meant nothing into the Democracy of Civil Rights across the land of the United States effecting the mind set of Black Slaves to a point of torment love and anger misplaced. Into Synagogues, Temples Mosques Churches all to be exploited by lying arrogant hypocrites pretending to want freedom for all while filling their pockets from the resources of all. This does not include the many Black Men and women who fought and died for real Black Justice and not the pretense of I Am somebody...die for me! Would you believe much of this nonsense was for the benefit of Black Judas sellouts and their Contempt for the Divine Creator(God in Prophecy!)...Black ! Knowing they can't win Judas is now pushing peace in Islam! Love in Jesus(Christanity) for everybody, which they don't believe! Love of Money in Judaism and identity theft! Present day society based on and rooted in past history we can see the lies deceit keeping the slaves from real freedom much of which was hidden here in America when it was punishable by death if we were taught and caught reading or writing. Before the death of Elijah Mohammad and teaching Whites were the Devil, after him there would be no more Islam-His student and followers were led into the Devil's house of Scientology . Jessie Jackson, 'proclamation" I Am Somebody" What time is it-Nation Building Time!...then he ran to be President of demon rule in the United States of America's Slavery! Judas along with many of the Original Tribes of Israel were selling their knowledge and Spirits to Caucasians who now make up this phony state of Hell rising Israel, all under the supervision of the Sanhedrin Council-Ethiopia, Egypt and the Vatican, even as the Moors and Mulattoes had done their hypocritical thing all over Europe-Central and South America-via trade routes which also includes Africa known as 'Land of the Blacks which was Marcus Garvey's attempt to recapture the Land of his own! This brings us to yours truly because I know there can be no real freedom for Black man self and kind with out his Creator where you control the Land under you feet-over you head and the land on both sides of you "no debate! This is where more of the insanity take place when Watts came to the forefront in Fire! We claimed the Land in the middle east known as Palestine-Canaan and the original Land and House of Reuben beyond the fertile crescent by way of the kings Highway the gulf of Aqaba, port of Zion geber. The unveiling of Isis and the "One day War of 1968" ending in destruction of Family-jail time-court of Psychiatry -door of life...Wisdom in Sovereignty -Land! This was followed by Dr Kings sellout- Malcolm X death- Dr Kings pronouncement that the Land of Israel-Palestine be longed to those blood sucking sissies calling themselves Jews who don't believe in God or the prophecy! You have Judaism Islam Christianity all wrapped up in the Slavery in America-no freedom no Justice-yet time justice and land awaits their arrival-not colored good time poverty In America and gusto integration but solution in action from the foundation of truth! (C) Reuben 10/15/2014 Seed of Jacob-Sun of Simeon Aliyah Rapture in the I am - If Separation back to your Land of Sovereignty is not your solution to freedom -What is? Reuben Beckles
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