Supreme Wisdom In Action and Black Caught Slave owners Off Guard Here And Around The World!
For sometime now-the minds European and American families have been waxing fat living high at the expense of those not given to the mastery of complete criminality of mind control and actions of the innocent those believing in upright values and rule of fair play and conduct. The game of the slave owners is to control the world through their consent of voting. control the money value that has no value in substance except what is claimed on paper. Promote malicious lies and deceit from person to person nation to nation-culture to culture in a system of debasement and dehumanization rooted in color and class with Black always on the bottom using suntan lotion and skin creme as some phony defense against being Black and beautiful. White supremacy moved across the globe from Sweden and Switzerland through Zionism and IMF-Money changers with Black Judas sellouts as destroyers of Cultures land and people found themselves in the forefront of a gigantic scheme to destroy Blacks benefiting Whites from Egypt, Ethiopia the Vatican and across the Continent of Africa,' Land of the Blacks and the middle east! The Slave trade method was taught by Black selfish greedy scumbags whose only interest in humanity was ruler ship and wealth. All this activity included the Moors with the Mulattoes created by France aided by Spain and the great state of Louisiana who felt nothing then nor now for Blacks. We know that during Slavery Blacks were taught to Submit to Whites and their Children-distrust one another and hate themselves. Serve and give all to these White Devils(Listen to What They Call themselves along with their Imp servants...Judas sellouts-Creoles, Octoroons-Quadroons!...taught to love White God and give the essence of their Souls and Spirits to this Satanic force through their religion of action and love. Despise and never listen too or give their best to their kind or Black Divine Creator! These folk have been so successful for so long because Blacks have been killing dying and taking the heat for the benefit of these demons that atrocities and insane bestial activities has become the order of time and day or so it seems. But their time for rule has ended (666,000 years)! These folk have plundered and raped the earth-peoples and resources helped by the enforcers Of War and Political Constitutional consent. Representation by these thugs and gangsters complete authority to do what they want in the governs name! Oil as a foundation it drives the Corporate State-the United States and the foundation of Slavery. Black people that was never paid for free Labor! The debt has now come due and payable to the Black descendants-which includes Land from where we were sold and taken then told to vote for the same folk who placed us in our current condition! These folk say we are not owed -they don't have the wealth or ability to do what's required by International and Divine Law! Well, what drives the nation corporate state and this system around the world? Vast resources of every nature and kind with the most obvious Oil...Exxon Mobil Chevron Gulf Texaco BP and Shell-for starters! When you as so-called Black citizens vote you are really voting to maintain your continued enslavement and the status quo! Do you know these folk that have been bought off through the Churches and other religious houses, secret orders, Political entities? Truth is even White folk are waking up to the Slave dilemma their own have placed them in. They too must pay to Cause and Effect ( Karma) the Benefactors of all this insanity along with the Black Judas sellouts! There will be no Hiding Place! It is what it is, truth! (C) Reuben 11/10/2014 Seed Of Jacob-Sun, son Of Simeon Action from the Kings High Way (House of Israel ) Land Reparations Restitution Examine facts as action is required-No Lie-No Trick No Game! I am what the spirit is...Truth-I Am! Reuben Beckles
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